Well, you learn something every day, right. Like Lumbini, Nepal is where Buddha was born. Yes, that Buddha. The town itself is a really small place with little to offer, but inside the neighbouring temple complex there is indeed a building housing ruins from the 3rd Century BC wherein there is a stone marking the exact spot where Buddha was born. It is pretty cool. Buddhists from all around the world come here on pilgrimage. A number of Buddhist countries have put up their own temples in homage. There are even temples built here to honour Buddha from France and Germany.






I don’t know if it was being in the shadow of Buddha’s birthplace or what, but I have never had such a peaceful snooze as I had by the pool where Buddha’s mother took a bath before giving birth. There is definitely something special about that place.




Shadow of Buddha’s birthplace/穏やかな気持ちになる木陰


As for staying in Lumbini and going about the complex, do rent a bicycle. It’s only about 80 Rupees (about 1.3 USD) for the day and well worth it. You probably could walk it in a day, but my guess is that you would be close to death with heat stroke and or dehydration.




Rental bicycle/レンタル自転車


There is also a small village off the main road that is well worth visiting. It is a time warp for real. The people here live in mud houses and lack even the most basic sanitation. At the same time, you will never meet more friendly people. As we walked through the village we were constantly greeted by smiling villagers and their children with “Namaste” (a kind of hello) and “how are you”. We couldn’t see what they could possibly be so happy about, but then the Nepal Communist Party also enjoys much support in Nepal so who knows.





Small village/小さな集落


While we were in Lumbini there was a festival that is celebrated throughout Nepal and India. While we don’t know what the meaning of the festival is (since the locals themselves didn’t seem to know), as it consisted of spraying anyone one within range of you with all different kinds of ink, it was quite interesting. Though everyone took part, the perpetrators were largely children, using both ink powder and ink-liquid to soak their victims. While even cows and dogs were not exempted, luckily we were spared.

