The driver asked us what hotel we wanted to go to, but we didn’t know so he kindly dropped us off in what he called the “tourist area”. This is Thamel in Kathmandu, and more than a tourist area it is actually a tourist ghetto. The streets are simply bursting with touts, tourists, budget hotels, tourist agents, and shops selling all manner of tourist junk. But that is the good thing about it, too-we found a relatively cheap room (8 USD) with a shower attached in no time.







The best way to describe Kathmandu is hot, noisy, busy, and smelly. Things are quiet down a little when the power goes out (a somewhat regular occurrence between about 17:00 and 21:00), but just a little. Dog lovers will love the place though: you can’t go anywhere without tripping over one or two strays.





That said, good and dirt cheap food abounds. Our favorite is “mo-mo”. It is kind of like small dumplings served with spicy sauce. At dark, dingy places with no English signs you can find a plate for as little as 10 or 15 Rupies (that’s like 15 cents). Wash it down with a bottled Coke or “Everest” beer-perfect.


カトマンドゥは、安くておいしい食べ物も多い。我々のお気に入りは「モモ」。蒸し餃子のような食べ物で、ピリ辛のソースをつけて食べる。夜、英語の看板もないような暗くてうす汚い地元の店にいくと、モモ一皿(15個くらい)をわずか10~15ルピー(14 円位)で食べられる。それにガラス瓶のコーラか「エベレストビール」があれば完璧。


Everest beer/エベレストビール


Other “Nepali” food is also good and cheap, but it is fairly bland and almost always the same: curry rice with vegetables.




Typical Nepali food/典型的ネパール料理


Another thing to note is that while almost all hotels and guesthouses sell bus and other tickets, it really pays to shop around. We found sometimes a 30~40% difference in prices for the same tickets, depending on the hotel selling the tickets. Oh, and when you do go to take a bus in Kathmandu, watch out for the “help with your bag” guy. That is, if a guy connected with your bus offers to take your bag and carry it all the way to the top of the bus (which is where the bags will be put), decline and do it yourself. We didn’t know any better and assumed (stupidly) that such a thing would be a part of the service covered by the ticket. But once we were seated on the bus the “help with your bag” guy came up to us and demanded money. Sucks.

