急階段で足を使って、温泉につかろう! 身延山久遠寺、下部温泉の旅                

身延山久遠寺は山の上にある。三門をくぐると菩提梯という278段の急階段がある。南無妙法蓮華経を唱えながら登ると、無心の境地になるとのことだ。でも無理だ! 横に男坂、女坂というつづら折り道がある。そっちの坂で勘弁してもらう。やっぱり修行は大変だ。

5月末、山上りで足を使って、温泉につかろう! と身延山と下部温泉にでかけた。新緑がきれいだし、山菜もうまい時期だ。甲府でJR身延線に乗り換えて身延駅に着いた。バスで身延山にむかう。門前に並ぶ店で、さっそく山菜そばを食べて山の上の久遠寺をめざす。この山は、約700年前日蓮聖人が晩年をすごした所だ。本堂,祖師堂、五重塔などたくさんの建物がある。南無妙法蓮華経と唱えてお参りした。


下部温泉駅は身延駅から10分ほどで着く。駅前に下部ホテルがあり、従業員さんがホテルの外で、笑顔でお迎えだ。「今日のイベントはホタル観賞、太鼓演奏です」 ホテルのバスで10分ほどの川でホタルが見られるという。さっそく予約。ヤマメの焼き魚など地元の食材の夕食も満足。ワインも日本酒も味わった。食後、ホタルの川へ。何十年ぶりの真っ暗闇だ。何かの光が飛んでいる。数は少ないが、良いものを見た。ホテルに戻ると太鼓の音、若い従業員たちの力いっぱいの演奏はほほえましい。





Let's go up the mountain and soak in the hot springs! Minobusan Kuonji Temple, Shimobe Onsen Trip

Minobusan Kuonji Temple is located on top of the mountain. After passing through the Sanmon Gate, there is a steep stair called Bodaitei with 278 steps. It is said that if you climb while chanting(唱える) Nam-myo-horenge-kyo, you will be in a state of no-mind. But no way(無理だ)! Next to it, there are winding(つづら折り) roads called Otokozaka and Onnazaka. We decided to climb that slope. After all, training is hard!

At the end of May, Use legs to climb the mountain and soak in the hot springs! and went to Mt. Minobu and Shimobe Onsen. The fresh green is beautiful, and the edible wild plants(山菜) are also a good time. We changed to the JR Minobu Line in Kofu and arrived at Minobu Station. Head to Mt. Minobu by bus. At the shops lined up in front of the gate, I immediately eat wild vegetable soba and head for Kuonji on the mountain. This mountain is where Nichiren Shonin spent his later years about 700 years ago. There are many buildings such as the main hall, the Soshid(祖師堂)o, and the five-storied pagoda. I prayed by chanting Nam-myo-horenge-kyo.

Take the ropeway from the side of the main hall to the top of the mountain. It takes about 7 minutes, but the height difference(高低差) is 800m, which is said to be the best in Kanto. From the summit, we can see the Southern Alps in the distance and the Fuji River flowing at the foot of the mountain. Return by ropeway and slowly descend Onnazaka.

Shimobe Onsen Station is about 10 minutes from Minobu Station. There is a "Shimobe Hotel" in front of the station, and an employee welcomes us outside the hotel with a smile. "Today's event is firefly(ほたる) viewing(観賞) and taiko drumming." Book it. Satisfying dinner with local ingredients such as grilled yamame(ヤマメ) trout. I tasted both wine and sake. After dinner, go to the firefly river. It's the first darkness in decades(数十年で). Some light is flying I saw few but good ones. When we returned to the hotel, we heard the sound of drums. The energetic performances of the young employees are heartwarming.

Shimobe Onsen has 12 baths. The water is lukewarm(ぬるゆ), but if we soak in it for a long time, it gradually warms us up and relieves(和らげる) fatigue(疲労を). I slowly entered while rubbing my legs that climbed the mountain.

It was a pleasant mountain walk and hot springs. I walked a lot, but I drank and ate more than that, so I gained weight.