

駅から500mほどに古代の相模国分寺、尼寺跡がある。国分寺は七重塔があり、金堂、講堂の配置が法隆寺と同じだという。8世紀半の創建と推定される。現在は広々とした歴史公園になっていて、建物の基礎が残るだけだ。近くに相模川が流れ、良い場所らしい。公園のすぐ横に大正7年に海老名村役場庁舎と建てられ海老名市立郷土資料館・海老名市温故館がる。大正10年に相模国分寺跡の史跡指定にあわせて遺物陳列館として開館した。いにしえの相模国国分寺に思いをはせた。                2023.5.9


Visit Ebina and Sagami Kokubunji  
Ebina is located almost in the center of Kanagawa Prefecture, where the Odakyu Line, Sagami Railway, and JR Sagami Line intersect. Sagami Railway was a private railway and was a plain local railway. However, when it became directly connected to the Toyoko Line, it became possible to go to Shibuya. It is a place that has received a lot of attention recently. I was surprised when I arrived at Ebina Station after transferring to the Nambu Line and Odakyu Line. There are skyscrapers, condominiums, and shopping centers. Koganei is losing.

About 500 meters from the station, there is the ruins of an ancient Sagami Kokubunji Temple and a nunnery(尼寺). Kokubunji has a seven-storied pagoda, and the layout of the main hall and auditorium is said to be the same as that of Horyuji Temple. It is estimated to have been built in the eighth and a half century. It is now a large historical park, and only the foundations of the building remain. The Sagami River flows nearby, and it seems to be a good place.

Right next to the park is the Ebina Village Office Building, which was built in 1918, and houses the Ebina City Folk Museum・Ebina City Onkokan. In 1920, it was opened as a relic exhibition hall in line with the designation of the Sagami Kokubunji site as a historic site. I thought about the ancient Sagami Kokubunji.                2023.5.9