

バス会社より1週間前に、全国旅行支援の対象ですよと連絡がきた。参加費も下げ、全員に地域クーポン2000円も配った。クーポンを受け取るにはワクチン接種3回以上の証明書の提示が必要。車内で「みなさん、ワクチン証明書ありますか? 見せてください、ハイありますね」と確認。話題は桜ではなく「旅行支援・クーポン券」となった。よかった!



ボランティアガイドさんは「工場は窓があり明るかったし、工女は一日8時間、日曜は休みです。福利はしっかりしていました。何よりもこの製糸場は日本の近代化を支えたのです」と熱く語った。1時間ほどの見学を終え帰途につき、小金井に5時ごろに帰着した。 11.04.2023



Visit the cherry blossom Myogi Shrine and the World Heritage Tomioka Silk Mill  

When I checked the blooming status of the cherry blossoms on April 11, Myogi Shrine was "green leaves!". Flowering is over, It's a pity(残念) that the flowering is over.

A week ago, the bus company informed us that e ere eligible(対象) for a national travel support. We lowered(値下げ) the participation fee and gave everyone a local coupon of 2,000 yen. Everyone needs to present a certificate(証明書) of 3 or more vaccinations to receive(クーポンもらうため) the coupon. "Everyone, do you have a vaccination certificate?..... it's okay!" Forgetting about cherry blossoms, everyone talked about travel support and coupons.  good!

We arrived at Myogi Shrine after 10:00 am. The shrine has a gorgeous, black-lacquere(漆塗り)d, Gongen-tsukuri main shrine. As expected(予想通り), there are a series(急坂) of steep stairs, and there are 165 steps in front of the main shrine. 70 to 80% of the people challenged the steep stairs, climbed up and prayed. I should have brought a pole (stock) after all. I left it at the entrance of my house, but I forgot it.

We went shopping with coupons at the roadside station-shop in front of the shrine, and the store was very crowded with Shidankai members.

Tomioka Silk Mill is a model mechanized silk mill established(設立) by the government in 1873 for the modernization of Japan. After the Meiji Restoration(維新), the government focused on exporting raw silk in order to finance the nation's prosperity(富国) and military(強兵) strength. In order to improve the quality of raw silk and to train(訓練) technical leaders, foreigners were hired from France and a government-run model factory equipped(装備) with Western-style silk reeling(操糸) machine()s was built.The volunteer guide said, ``The factory has windows and is bright, and the factory girls work eight hours a day, with Sundays off. Welfare is strong. Above all, this silk mill supported the modernization of Japan. ' she said heartily. After about an hour of observation, we returned to Koganei around 5 o'clock. 11.04.2023