




National Museum of Nature and Science  Dinosaur Expo 2023                

I love history, but when it comes to the age of dinosaurs(恐竜時代), the only thing that comes to mind(思い浮かぶ) is Tyrannosaurus(ティラノサウルス). I learned very little at school. Paleozoic ammonites(アンモナイト化石) and Ice Age mammoths(マンモス). This time, I took a second grader who wanted to go to the Dinosaur Expo. I read an introductory book on dinosaurs.

The Earth was born 4.6 billion(46億) years ago, and 800 million(8億) years after that, life-like things were born. Dinosaurs appeared around 230 million(23億) years ago. Dinosaurs went extinc(絶滅)t 66 million years ago in a asteroid(小惑星) impact(衝突). Humans were born 200,000 years ago. Dinosaur age is 164 million(164億) years. Thank(恐れ入ります) you for your time.

The exhibition(展示) of the science museum was good, the exhibition of the herbivorous dinosaur called Zulu Kururivasutatoru(クリルヴァスタトル). Unearthed in Montana, USA, it looks like a large armored(装甲) lizard(とかげ) with a total length of 8 meters. A dinosaur that represent(代表)s "defense", it is also called an armored(鎧竜) dragon, and has large spines on its back to protect itself from carnivorous(肉食性の) dinosaurs. The tip of its tail is shaped like a club(こん棒), and it delivers(与える) a single(一撃を) blow. Gorgosaurus(ゴルゴザウルス), a carnivorous dinosaur found nearby, has a scar(傷あと) on its shin. It's a defensive(専守) defense(防衛).

The museum was full of children on spring break that day. Dinosaur figures were selling like hot(とぶ) cakes(ように) at the shop. Children like dinosaurs. I also learned a little about dinosaurs. Until now, I thought that the ancestors(先祖) of lizards(トカゲ類) were dinosaurs, but they are actually the ancestors(鳥の先祖) of birds. I learned a lot and had a fun day.     2023.03.31