








"Let's walk and see Machida"    

It must have been decades(何十年) since I came to Machida. When I got off at the station, I was surprised at how lively it was. Similar to Tachikawa. Although the population of Machida City exceeds 430,000, but the only major station in the city is Machida Station.

If we go a little west from the station, there is a private museum built by a local called the Taigan Museum of History. It is said that the building's name, Taigan, is part of Oda Nobunaga's posthumous(戒名) name. When we enter the entrance, there is a reproduction(再現) of the Azuchi Castle tower with the 1st and 2nd floors atrium(吹き抜け). Although it is a part, it is powerful(迫力). it would have cost money. On the 3rd to 5th floors, armor(よろい) and helmets(かぶと), ancient documents, battle picture scrolls, and reproductions of tea rooms are displayed. The museum is more solid(しっかり) than I imagined.

About 10 minutes east of the station, there is a literature museum called "Machida Civic Literature Museum Kotobarando(ことばらんど)". The museum was opened in 2006 after a donation of materials by the writer Shusaku(周作) Endo(遠藤). On this day, an exhibition of works by magazine(誌絵作家) artist Miw Morita was held. Illustrations(イラスト) and pictures with a gentle feeling are exhibited(展示), and magazines are attached to them. It's a picture with a warm(ほんわか) feeling.

From Machida, go to Tsurukawa Station, walk about 15 minutes from the station, and visit the former Shirasu Residence and Buaiso. Jiro and Masako Shirasu lived here from 1943 to 1998, when Masako died. Shirasu Jiro studied abroad in England. In World War II, it is said that he saw Japan's defeat from the beginning of the war and engaged in agriculture in Tsurukawa. After the war, as a close aide to Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida, he negotiated with GHQ and was also involved in the establishment of the Constitution of Japan. Masako went to America to study and after returning to Japan married Jiro. Active as a cultural figure and writer. She was a critic in the fields of antiques, crafts, dyeing, etc., along with writings such as "Noh Masks", "Myoe Shonin", and "Juichimen Kannon Pilgrimage". Passing through the Yashikimon gate, the thatched roof house is preserved as it was when it was lived in. The residence has a calm appearance with tasteful furniture, a collection of books, and moso bamboo in the front garden.