


A desire to disappear

(失踪願望). Corona infection fluffy fighting edition 

This title does not suit Makoto Shiina. I read a lot of his books. He enjoy outdoor activities, exploring(探検) islands, barbecuing the fish they catch and drinking heavily. He is a writer who travels to the unexplored(秘境) regions of Argentina and Mongolia and publishes(公開) expeditions(探検記), travelogues and photo books. His essay is also interesting. "Farewell Kokubunji Bookstore Aunt" is a nostalgic book because I lived in Kokubunji. He was born in 1944, so he is in his late 70s. In April 2021, he suffered a compression(圧迫) fracture(骨折) at home after falling down the stairs while holding his futon(ふとん). That big, muscular guy. However, he's been a bit bearish(弱気) lately, and even wrote that he's reached a " suitable time(適齢期) for death(死亡)".

That's when he got infected with the new coronavirus and might(死にそうになった) die. That's this book. The subtitle is " Corona infection fluffy(ふらふら) fighting(格闘記) edition ". He got his vaccine on June 6th. Perhaps(ほっとしたかも) relieved, the editors(編集者) celebrated his 77th birthday in mid-June. They talked loudly and drank heavily. Two or three days later, the participant reported that they had a fever and became positive(陽性). He thought he was fine, but the next day it was 37.5 degrees. He wasn't feeling well, so he took cold medicine(風邪薬), but two days later he was in bed at the Women's Medical College(女子医大) Hospital(病院). He has vague(もうろう) memorie(記憶)s of that. When he asked his family later, they said they were talking incoherently(支離滅裂). After one week of intravenous(点滴) drip, he was discharged(退院) from the hospital after two weeks. Doctors told him, "You're lucky, some people just fall down and die. They might not have found a hospital." While in the hospital, he suffered from hallucinations(幻覚に悩まされた) and apparently(聞こえたらしい) heard sounds that were not ringing. Anyway(ともかく), he was discharged from the hospital, his legs were weak and it was difficult to stand. Despite(にもかかわらず) this, he was obsessed(執着) with drinking and even drank in secret. He can't stop thinking about it. His wife, Ichie Watanabe, who is a writer and a social commentator on issues such as the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear power plant issue, supported him in his fight against illness. This book talks about how sometimes they were strict, and sometimes they supported them kindly. 2023.03.01