西村京太郎の「十五歳の戦争」 陸軍幼年学校「最後の生徒」





Kyotaro Nishimura's "15-year-old war" 

Army childhood 

school  "last student"

Detective(推理) novel writer Kyotaro Nishimura died on March, this year. 91 years old. Known as a leading(第一人者) person in "travel mystery" set in railways and tourist spots. The autobiography(自伝) "War of the Fifteen Years Old", unlike that, describes(描いたも) the actual() experience(体験) during and immediately(まもなく) after the war. It was very interesting.

At the age of 19, they will be summoned(召集) to the army. The first year soldiers(初年兵) are beaten and hard. At the Army Childhood School, he is an officer(士官) from the beginning. That's why he entered at the age of 15. Although(ですが) it is strict(厳しい) because it is an army, he was treated as a cadet(士官候補生) even when he was a child. Although he was prepared(準備) for the mainland() decisive() battle(決戦) there, he candidly(率直に) talks(話した) about what he felt(感じた) there, such as the fact that the B29's air raids were can not win and the metal donation(供出) was foolish. At that time, there was Tonarigumi group. The leader was entrenched(凝り固まった) in militarism(軍国主義) and was called "Small Tojo (Prime Minister)". he was dissatisfied(不満) with the lack(不足) of heroic soldiers from my group. When he entered the Army Childhood School and greeted(挨拶した) him, he was surprised and his eyes(目を) were rounded(丸くした). Mr. Nishimura thought it was fun.

The Japanese theory that Japanese people are not suitable(向いていない) for war is interesting. Japanese military leaders said they didn't understand modern warfare. It is a spiritual theory symbolized by Prime Minister Tojo's famous story, "Drop enemy(敵の) fighter(戦闘機)s with your spirit!" There is no logistics idea to replenish(補充する).

Even if it turns out to be defeated(敗北), it will not be withdrawn(撤退させずに) and will be ordered to defend to death. Eventually(ついには), they end up with a special attack in which death is more precious(尊い) than life. It is said that this(これでは) cannot(できない) fight(戦う).

From April to August 1945, the short but dense(濃密な) four and a half months that the army childhood school of the elite officer training institution attended, and the confused(混乱した) postwar Japan, the adults who change(豹変) suddenly. What did the boy see and realize during the war and immediately after the defea(敗北)t?

It is a valuable testimony(証言) of the wartime faction. We want to listen now.