How To Download torrents on the iPhone 2.0 or 2.1. Then, click on the download torrent button. From here, you will see a warning appear on the screen. Choose to download this and then go to your Mobile Finder. Find where you saved the torrent to. Then, hit the home button and click on Terminal on your phone. This will guide you to Install BitTorrent client on iOS. Now you can download torrents on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch without jailbreak.

  1. How To Download Torrent Link In Iphone

Torrenting on a phone is never a good idea. It is a huge resource hog and battery drain and regular torrenting wears the battery down like nothing else. However, TechJunkie is all about giving you the information to make your own choices so here is how to download movie torrents to your iPhone.

Torrents are not illegal. Bit torrent is merely a transmission medium. It is the file that you use bit torrent to transport that can be legally contentious. Many people use bit torrent for perfectly legal reasons, many do not. We don’t judge. Just be careful what you do and always use a VPN when you use bit torrent for legal content or otherwise! To download movie torrents directly to your iPhone, you can use either iTransmission or Bitport without jailbreaking your phone. If you have a jailbroken iPhone, your options increase. The phone I used was an iPhone 6 and both methods worked perfectly. Attention All Streamers: Here's a few facts for you about the potential dangers of streaming online while unprotected:

  1. Your ISP has a direct window into everything you view and stream on the web
  2. Your ISP is now LEGALLY allowed to sell that information about what you view
  3. Most ISPs don't want to deal with lawsuits directly, so oftentimes they will pass along your viewing information to protect themselves, further compromising your privacy.

The only way to protect your viewing and identity in the 3 above scenarios is by using a VPN. By streaming content directly through your ISP, you potentially expose everything you view on the internet to both them, as well as those who's interest they might be protecting. A VPN protects that. Follow these 2 links and you'll be streaming securely in no time: Galaxy tablet s3 sm user manual.

  1. ExpressVPN is our VPN of choice. They are extremely fast and their security is top notch. Get 3 months free for a limited time
  2. Learn How To Install a VPN on Your Fire TV Stick

Download movie torrents to your iPhone with iTransmission

iTransmission is a port of the Mac torrent app Transmission. It is apparently a little hit and miss so it may take a couple of attempts to get it working properly.

  1. Download and install iTransmission onto your iPhone.
  2. Use Safari to browse to the torrent file you want to download. It should suggest opening the link with iTransmission. Allow it to do so.
  3. iTransmission will open and the download should begin automatically.

You can also download a magnet link directly with iTransmission if you prefer.

  1. Open iTransmission and tap the ‘+’ button in the bottom left.
  2. Select Web link, magnet link or URL from the popup window.
  3. Add the link and iTransmission will pick up the file and begin downloading.

iTransmission is a pretty good app that used to demand a jailbroken iPhone to work. Newer versions now work on non-jailbroken iPhones so all is good in the world.

Download movie torrents to your iPhone with Bitport

Bitport does things slightly differently. It works as a seedbox by offering cloud storage to download the torrent file to. You then access it like any other cloud storage and download your files. The advantage is that there is no direct link between you and the torrent. There is also no massive battery drain due to the overhead generated by downloading torrents.

The disadvantage is that the free account is limited to 1GB of storage. Get up to 30GB for only $5 a month or 100GB for $10 a month though.

If you really must download movie torrents to your iPhone, I would suggest this as being the safest way to do it.

  1. Create a BitPort account and configure it to your liking.
  2. Copy a torrent link from your favorite site and add the link into the BitPort dashboard.
  3. Select the Add New Torrent Button next to where you pasted the link.
  4. Select Download.

BitPort will now download the movie torrent to your cloud storage using its own resources. Once complete, the file will remain in your cloud storage until you download and delete it. You can download via FTP or Internet Download Manager, stream via VLC, Kodi or Chromecast or something else. It is entirely your choice.

BitPort makes no mention that I can find on logging, so I don’t really know how safe it is. The company does allow SSL connections and Bitcoin payment so does seem to take security seriously. Nevertheless, protect yourself at all times when using services such as these.

Protecting yourself when you download movie torrents to your iPhone

Even if you only ever download legal files using bit torrent, many torrent sites are monitored and tracked. Your ISP will also likely be keeping an eye on torrents. Many ISPs throttle torrent traffic to stop it monopolizing their networks so downloads can be slow. The government spies on everyone online too. These are all good reasons why you need to use a VPN if you’re downloading anything.

A VPN will encrypt all your traffic, stop the spying and protect your identity and whatever you are downloading. Make sure you use one at all times.

Downloading torrents to your iPhone

As I mentioned above, torrenting on a phone isn’t a good idea if you can possibly avoid it. Android emulator sync apps mac. The protocol has huge overheads and will quickly burn through your battery and eventually wear it down or out. Bit torrent clients handle many hundreds of connections per minute so will have to use your phone’s resources do handle it all.

You would be much better of using BitPort or downloading to a computer and then transferring it across from there.

Got any other methods to download movie torrents to your iPhone? Preferably ones that don’t need a jailbroken phone to do? Tell us about it below if you do.

Good news everyone! There is a way to download torrent files on iPhone and iPad without a Jailbreak and the need to risk your i-device warranty. Apple does not like the concept of BitTorrent and getting any app to download your torrent files is pretty difficult - Impossible in fact. However, you can still use your web browser and thats exactly where comes in.

If you've ever wished for you iPhone to have uTorrent on it, you would probably reconsider after seeing what can Bitport offer to you.

Bitport downloads torrent files to its server and provides them for you as a direct link download on a silver plate. This plate is encrypted by SLL encryption so keeping with the food metaphors, whatever you want to eat is staying hidden. As a result, you can torrent anonymously.

You can also stream any downloaded video files. If you are traveling, you can just stream from a slow wifi connection without the need to wait to finish the whole download.

Lastly, I've mentioned you can download on your iPad and iPhone with Bitport but that is not all. Because Bitport operates in your web browser, you can connect to any device you own, no matter what it is. This means you can also torrent on Mac, PC, Android or Blackberry from one account. You can download torrents on your iPhone from school or work, get back home and stream the file on your PC.

How to download torrent on iPhone & iPad with Bitport

It's easy. Just sign up at, find a torrent file you want to download, copy the magnet link address of the file and paste it to Bitport. This works both for iPad and iPhone.

After you add your torrent file, Bitport downloads it to its server, moves the file to your personal cloud and from there, you can either stream or download the torrent to you iPhone or iPad. Ultra mixer usa.

Torrenting on iOS has never been easier

You can try Bitport for free or you can go for the premium version. Just in the case you are not happy with the service, contact the customer support and Bitport will give you your money back.