


Tomorrow is Three Kings Day in Mexico City
all children will receive gifts

and a very nice tradition that I personally 
liked when I was a child was to put my 
clean shoes on the window of your room.
and the next day a gift magically appeared, 
according to what you asked for in your letter.

until one day I found out that the 
wise men were my parents.

w w w w w w

I have beautiful memories of those 
days of my children.

As a tradition we eat on January 
6th, Rosca de Resyes.

which is basically a sweet bread in the
 shape of a circle and inside it has small
 white dolls that say that if you get them 
in your slice of bread, you will put
 the tamales on the day of lacandelaria 
which is February 2

I hope doll doesn't touch me 
I don't have money w w w w

that's a little bit of mexico
Do they do that in your country?

This year my sister is going 
to make the king's cake
It will be a homemade king's cake

she makes delicious desserts

and all of us in the family 
will help you prepare it

I feel very excited about eating kings' 
cake with a delicious hot chocolate or
 atole of any flavor.

Have a very good start to the week, 
a nice night and a beautiful day, 
my readers. I send you greetings 
and kisses from Mexico

I will tell you a secret about me

I would like to be an exgra 
size model w w w w

or study languages ​​and work for a hotel

but I'm old and mentally ill
Even if I wanted that, it
 wouldn't be possible.

I wasted my time and everything. 
I can't work even if I wanted to, 
but no one would give someone 
like me a job.

It's sad, I only have to be 
Cinderella in the house

well that's something sad about 
me so you can get to know a 
little bit then I'll put more w w w