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When people negotiate, they're trying to find a contract they can all agree on, as well as the contract's "terms" or rules. Each person or group who will sign the contract after the negotiation is known as a "party."



上差し契約書では、条件のことは"terms and conditions"とするのが一般的です。





If the deal involves buying or selling, you can expect some "haggling," which means to argue about the price. If you're buying, you'll want to "talk down" the price, or convince the seller to make it cheaper.



上差し逆に、値段を高くする場合は talk upと言います。




You definitely won't want the seller to "jack up the price", which is when they make it much higher than it should be.



上差しいわゆる車などを「ジャッキアップする」場合の jack up です。




You should also be careful to read the "fine print", which are the details of the contract, often written in a smaller font. We often use this phrase in other situations to talk about details that might cause problems if we don't read and understand them.







When the negotiations are successful, you can say that you have "struck a deal."



上差しDeal 取引のこと。類似表現の make a deal の場合は単に取引をする、契約をする、という意味で、「(交渉して)成立させる」というニュアンスはありませんのでご注意。




And when all the parties are happy with a deal, it's normal to "shake on it," which just means to shake hands to show that you agree.

そして、すべての当事者が取引に満足したら、shake on it 、つまり、合意していることを示すために握手することが通常です。






After that, everyone will "sign on the dotted line," because where you sign on a contract is often shown with a line of dots.



上差し追加知識ですが、dotted line reporting relationship で、直属ではないが、仕事などで関係のある社内の人との上下関係を意味します。(直属reporting lineと言いますね。)




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