At the end of WW2, after atmic bomb was used in Nagasaki on August 9 in 1945, and Japan's unconditional surrender, the Soviet Union unilaterally broke the Neutrality Treaty between Japan and Sviet Union, then surrounded the demilitarized Japanese settlement with tanks, and  massacred, raped women and children.

Chinese and Koreans helped to rape and slaughter Japanese women and girls in extremely cruel ways. 

This is a complete violation of international law

On August 14, 1945, about 1,000 Japanese refugees (more than 90% were women and girls) were attacked at the Gegenmiao Massacre in Manchuria, and more than 1,000 were slaughtered.

As Soviet troops invaded Sakhalin and Manchuria, about a thousand Japanese living in Xing'an Street gathered in the nearby Urahata and started evacuating on foot, but reached the vicinity of Gegenmiao Massacre on August 14.

At that point, the Japanese refugee encountered a Soviet infantry unit and raised the white flag, but were shot dead by the machine gun.

Soviet troops launched an attack on the refugees from the top of the hill, and tanks attacked the refugees with machine guns, hitting and killing the refugees.

It is said that from behind the tank,the murdered people were caught in the caterpillar and flew into the air.

When the tank attack stopped, Soviet soldiers who got off the truck shot and killed one after another as soon as they found a survivor, and stabbed the stop with a bayonet.

In just over two hours, more than 1,000 unarmed women and children were killed, with only a hundred and several dozen survivors.

Most of the people who escaped the murder were hit by tanks, injured by being hit, and their families were killed, and many decided to commit suicide

Nearly 200 of the victims were children.

The assault on the survivors was also extremely relentless.

The Chinese mob strips off all of their clothes, even underwear.

Others drowned in the river trying to escape the Chinese mob.

A woman had her child killed by Soviet soldiers, and was stripped of all clothes by a subsequent assaulting mob and had her breasts cut off with a sickle.

When the Chinese mobs found the surviving mother and child, they beat the mother with a stick and robbed the child, as well as the children whose parents were killed.

At that time, it was common for Japanese boys to buy and sell for 300 yen and girls for 500 yen.

Even after the end of the war, the attacks on refugees continued.

According to the testimony of a 12-year-old girl, a group of women who joined the girl took more than a week to be 10 km from Gegenmiao massacre, being attacked by a mob and robbed of their clothes and raped.

Then she arrived at Zhenxi Station.

The women decided to move to a vacant house in a field some distance from the station, but at night they were discovered by Soviet soldiers and beaten, raped until midnight.

After the raping, Soviet soldiers threw the dead grass piled up outdoors into the house and set it on fire, trying to burn the women to death.

The girl and sister were able to escape the difficulty but other women testified that the fire seemed to be unable to escape quickly.

because they were by the window.

The saved girl was then forced to live as a residual orphan.

This incident was a genocide that was indiscriminately genocide by the attack of one country's army, and in that respect it is said to be the greatest tragedy encountered by Japanese refugees in Manchuria at the end of the war. 

In the same case, the Soviet Union claimed that "the refugees decided to commit suicide by being deceived by the propaganda of the Japanese Kwantung Army." 

The massacre of displaced persons by Soviet troops and Chinese as in the same case is terrible and mean, and it does not seem to be the work of the same human beings. 

This is a history that many Japanese should know and must not forget. 

But most Japanese people even don't know such incidents.

Because after WW2, US occupation government, General Head Quarter Japan called  “GHQ“ by Japanese people, prohibited any criticism against US, England, Soviet Union, China, Korea, etc. in the government, medias, university, educational field, publication, etc.

GHQ officers were commintern forces and expelled over 20 thousand superior Japanese people were expelled from the government, medias, university, educational field, publication, etc. 

Instead of them, GHQ sent Korean origins, Chinese origins, and Japanese Communist cooperaters into there.

Even a prime minister was forced to be resigned only because he mentioned about atomic bomb in Hiroshima.  

It  was the most prohibited word.

After GHQ era, Japanese school has been dominated by Teachers Union, led by North Korean and Chinese operatives.

They teach full of forged stories in history class, etc.

And conceal massacres against Japanese people by Chinese, Korean, Soviet Union throughly.

Even though they recommended Japanese students to immigration to Manchuria before the end of WW2 and that caused tremendous Japanese children victims.

There is a book about the experiences of the only survivor of children who became orphans in Manchuria called "The Will of Children Scattered as Stardust in Manchuria" .

The  orphans gently helped each other in the spectacular winter environment where the temperature reaches -30 ° C in summer clothes,and have died one after another with noble spirit. 

At an elementary school with a strong Japan Teachers Union, I was taught about WW2 all year round, and I thought I knew all about the war.

But I have never taught even a word related to the slaughter against Japanese citizens by Soviet troops, Chinese, and Koreans.

 such as TongChow munnity (massacre).

 It is a book that I have read all at once while shedding tears on the shocking content. 

In this book, there is a story that one person protested to Soviet Union ambassador that during the massacre, a Japanese boy protested and tried to stop a Soviet tank to save other Japanese settlement but  the tank hit and killed the boy as it was. 

That story was this slaughter.