It turned out that the president of Wuhan virus reserchment center is a woman who is the wife of the highest  status belongs to Jiang Zemin powers..!

Jiang Zemin concealed about SARS to WHO and expanded it all over the world. 
After he was accused by Canada, world, he was resigned.
SARS was also said to be leaked from the virus researchment center for weapon.

Xi Jingping and Jiang Zemin powers have fought hardly, killing each other behind the world.

This time may be revenge to Xi Jingping from Jiang Zemin.

Huawei, Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent, are all owned by son of Jiang Zemin and deep related people.
And the top of these companies are same members of Chinese military tops.

Facebook, internet, world medias are connected to them so don't tell about Jiang Zemin's evil deeds.

The photo of Jiang Zemin is below.