I highly recommend this as the best healing video.

This is late-night healing program that uses the latest Japanese TV program video and BGM to unravel the mysteries of the universe. 

It is recommended to watch it in full screen mode. 

This program uses images from the world's largest astronomical telescope, ALMA, which Japan is leading and contributing.

This is website of Alma. English is available.

Mitsubishi electronic also highly contributed to the parabolic antena.

Alma has made it possible to construct an astronomical telescope of a scale that was impossible on Earth by installing many astronomical telescopes in multiple areas on the earth and combining them. 
Alma has successfully shot a black hole first time. 

Koichiro Morita, Japanese best contributor to the international project, was killed by a murder stated as robber in front of his home in Santiago, Chile, just before the completion of the telescope.

At the intent of the members of the international project, the astronomical telescope and the newly discovered asteroid have been named his name "Kouichiro".