It turned that the Ministry of Justice opposed the refusal of Chinese people to enter Japan for the new coronavirus, but Prime Minister Abe and his official residence had penetrated.

Japanese bureaucrats such as the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare,etc. are dominated by Chinese and Korean origins.

This is the serious effect of WGIP, War Guilt Information Program Policy by the post-war U.S. Occupation Army, GHQ.

Japanese constitution was established by MacArthur, the head of the US Occupational Government known as “GHQ“ in Japanese people.

MacArthur who has fought Japan in the Philippines encountered KAMIKAZE attacks, was extremely afraid of Japanese patriotism and revenge from them.

For that reason, he thoroughly banned and destroyed anything that could lead to the patriotism of the Japanese.

So GHQ applied War Guilt Information Program which was brainwashing program to Japanese people by fake informations of war time.

Thie existence of this policy has been concealed for over 65 years as confidential secret.

 But just since around 6 years ago, many historical records that the United States had classified as confidential were allowed to be released.

WGIP, War Guilt Information Program Policy by the post-war U.S. Occupation Army, GHQ did extraordinary speech controlling to Japanese people, prohibited any criticizing about GHQ, USA, every victors countries, Soviet Union, China and Korea.

Especially about atomic bomb was the most prohibited.

Even prime minister was resigned only because he just mentioned the word Hiroshima and atomic bomb.

They expelled over 200,000 superior Japanese staffs from government, educational settings, universities, and the media, and recruited Chinese, Korean origin anti-Japan agents, and communists to weaken Japan.
(Most GHQ members were communists)

This influence is still remaining strongly in Japan causing serious problems.

Detail is written in this website too.

We can't avoide this WGIP to research about Japanese history of before and after war time.