We can know ethnic groups roots by DNA Y-Chromatograph haplogroups.

It was proved that Japanese haplogroup D-M55 known as D2a is very mysterious and unique only to Japanese original Jomon ansestors, especially high frequency in Ainu and Okinawan origins.

Koreans, Chinese are O type and doesn't have this DNA.

In addition, haprogroup D and E is very unique group in the world because of special structure of Y-chromatgraph, "Yap".
Japanese akin DNA Haplogroup DE -Wikipedia 

Haprogroup D type is orgin from Central Asia and said to be spreaded, maintained only in Tibetans live in high mountains and Japanese people live in sorounded by sea during rapid expansion of Chinese O type  throughout East and South East Asia.

 The slight ratio in some areas is where many Japanese migrants lived in the past during Japanese rulal era before WW2.

E type is Mediterenian Europian and Middle Eastern DNA.

Haplogroup D is the next group of Mediterranean Europeans and Middle Eastern peoples.

 Moreover, only the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern peoples and the Japanese people have a variant of the Y chromosome called “YAP“.

The origin of Japanese people is misterious and even the highest level Japanese researchers doesn't have the answer where we came from yet. 

But numerous wrong bulshit informations have been spreaded especially by malicious Koreans, Chinese operatives..

One of bulshit spreaded to the world is that Jomon people is austronessian, black people, etc. but Austronessian, black people is not related to Japanese at all as you can know by these researchment results.

The otherhand, Korean people want world people to believe Japanese people gene is same to Koreans and Japanese ancestors came from Korea.

Korean, Chinese, and Korean origin researchers, writers  with Japanese names, has written and spread huge amount of articles introducing as if Japanese people are came from Korea and as if same DNA.

Korean, Chinese origin researchers have been trying to deceive Japanese people inside Japan also by bulshit books, articles, magazine, website, etc.

This is also related to Chinese strategy to take over Japan using division work between Okinawan (Ryukyuan) people, Ainu people and Japanese people from other prefectures.

This is Chinese, Korean strategy.

So when I post the scientific information above, proof that Japanese people and Ryukyuan, Ainu people are same ancestors, Korean, Chinese operatives in Twitter, Facebook often delete them as “spam“.

This information is really disliked and inconvenient to Korean, Chinese operatives.

Chinese operatives write completely lies about Okinawa and Ainu throughly in Wikipedia information.

I found it is written that “40 % to 60 % Okinawan people has Chinese Gene “ in Wikipedia English version.

If Okinawan people see this, they will be so surprised and get anger.

Years ago, I posted about this with screen shot of the Wikipedia but Facebook deleted the photo later プンプン