ハイセンスなバンド発見! LAVISHER TOOLのビデオのような新ビデオ公開 | BIRKENHEAD ERKY


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Lavisher Release a Trippy CG-Filled Video for “Gesture” That Kinda Feels Like an Old Tool Video

Chicago alt-rock band Lavisher unveiled the music video and single for their track “Gesture.” 

As far as music videos go, this is as close to old school Tool as I think they could get without being overtly blatant about it.

And aside from the video’s computer generated visuals and the track’s floaty atmosphere, “Gesture” is the second of three singles to be released this year through Nefarious Industries.


While the band continues working on their next studio offering, slated for release next year, “Gesture” will be released next Friday, October 21 through Nefarious Industries. 

Lavisher - "Gesture" Official Music Video


Lavisher - "Reverie" Official Music Video