
Today Date Koji's cd can be bougth!

The name of cd is Gyakkou! I have bogth it b internet...but it isn't arrive to my home yet.

The cd has 9 songs:

  1. 愛を叫ぼう (5'41")
  2. 独りの部屋から (4'17")
  3. 花 (5'57")
  4. ロンリーウルフ (4'20")

  5. 笹舟 (5'39")
  6. 泣くな (5'23")
  7. 18年目の夜 (6'14")
  8. Love and Peace (8'50")
  9. 時代 (6'39")
  • total 53'18"

Well minna! I have to go now!

But before I want to show you 3 pictures of Koji! ^^


This is all for today!

Thanks for comments! and see you soon!

Thanks for come to my blog!!

さようなら! ^^
