

平壌に豊富な日本製品 日本国内に調達網 北の不正輸出事件、制裁破りの実態解明






















Will you accept a presence of foreign military?③





Too bad we only had two A-bombs.




belittle氏 > ray氏


So what if we'd had 100? They gave up after the second one.




ray氏 > belittle氏


Communications used to get lost and delayed all the time. Payback's a bitch.




belittle氏 > ray氏


The A-bombs were not payback, they were meant to end the war quickly.




ray氏 > belittle氏


Calm down little one and don't get your pretty panties in a twist. The bombs were hoped to end the war without a full on invasion of the home islands of Japan. The payback part was just for giggles and shits. Forget for a moment the U.S. losses and remember the carnage that Japan visited upon its neighbors. They are still not the most loved people in that part of the world. So forgive me not shedding tears for them when they cry about what we did to them.




Faith Reasoner氏


If my nation lost to the U.S.A. and my people were rescued from an awful and murderous culture over 70 years earlier, and the superpower that rescued my nation is half way around the world, I would welcome their base and their intelligence personnel in my country to maintain their ability to respond quickly if necessary, especially because North Kore and China are in our region.




The rape and murder by a criminal from one of the military bases should be treated as an individual matter, the same as if a local had committed it. It clearly is not the policy of the superpower and should have no bearing on any decisions other than prosecution and execution of that murderer.




Equinsu Ocha氏


Because you raped and pillaged most of Southeast Asia and attacked our base in Hawaii.




Dave ✓'ed out氏


You waged war with the US. You lost. Deal with it, sunshine.






I would gladly reduce our global military footprint. But thanks to the overwhelming support for a neoconservative foreign policy in both our parties I can make wish sammiches.

In the meantime you’re getting a sweet deal.




Bert氏 > Louie氏


FDR set this up. We have subsidized global defense since that time. This has allowed these other countries to squander their wealth on socialism and have not lived up to their defense obligations.






The US isn’t in Japan for kicks.There is a genuine need for Japan to have some help in resisting the largest convention military on earth very close to them ,the Commie Chinese.Now ,I understand the Commie Chinese are spending cheap millions mobilizing internet spammers to encourage America out of all its military presences.Be assured.That’s not going to happen.






The trade off is that Japan gains security with almost no expense.







・産経ニュース『平壌に豊富な日本製品 日本国内に調達網 北の不正輸出事件、制裁破りの実態解明』(2017.12.15 06:31更新)




・Michikoさんのブログ『Will you accept a presence of foreign military?③


・DISQUS POLITICAL RHETLIC BUSTERS『Do you think you'll accept a presence of foreign military?』

