Taiji Blog Day December 2st | エンセン井上オフィシャルブログ「大和魂」Poweed by Ameba

Taiji Blog Day December 2st

12月2日 太地町滞在記7
> シーシェパードや私が滞在しているのは太地に近い小さな町で、町中でもよく遭遇するのですが明日は最終日だというのに激しい議論になることをおそれて話し合いの場をもつことを躊躇しています。どんなに理性に欠けてみえようと、これまで私が話を聞いた地元の人から一様に嫌われていようと、シーシェパードの話も聞く必要があります。運がいいことに昨夜会った活動家たちはシーシェパードとも交流があるというので、私の連絡先を先方に伝えてもらうようお願いしてありました。そして今朝早速シーシェパードから連絡が入り午後会うことになりました。
> 太地町民が年に1,2度祈りを捧げにいく鯨の像の話題がこれまで度々あがっていたので、地元の人に道を尋ねながら朝一番に訪れました。そこで人々はイルカや鯨の恵みに感謝し、安らかな眠りを祈念するそうです。今日はまだ朝の6時で誰もいません。慰霊碑の前で両手を合わせ、私の場合は恵みへの感謝ではなく、イルカや鯨にひどい仕打ちをする人間への赦しと安らかな眠りを祈りました。この慰霊碑に恵みへの感謝を捧げる地元の人の気持ちもわかりますが、果たしてその中に純粋な生き物であるイルカを苦しめていること詫び、罪の赦しを祈る人はいるのでしょうか。イルカがいかに優しく愛情あふれる高等生物かを学び得る機会はないのでしょうか。これは重要なことですよね?というのも、これまで私は牛や豚を食べ続けてきましたが、映画の"Earthlings”で家畜動物の残酷な扱われ方を知って以来、その行為を助長する肉食に抵抗があります。漁師たちは気付かないふりをしているだけ?良心がないの?私が神経質過ぎる?日本人の考え方がわからなくなってきました。でも太地の人と話をして思ったのは、私たちは同じ人間で、漁師を殺し屋や野蛮人などと呼ぶことはできません。まだまだ深く掘り下げて関わっていく必要がありそうです。
> シーシェパードに会う前に頭を整理しておこうと近くの展望台へ行きました。話し合いは緊張しますし、動画サイトで見た住民への嫌がらせ行為の映像が何度も頭をよぎります。漁師への罵りや無礼な態度は軽蔑するけれど、シーシェパードにもチャンスを与えてあげよう。どんなかたちであれ本当の関係を築くため、誠実に率直に向き合おう。密接な関係になるにせよ、意見が対立し敵対するにせよ、容易ではありませんが誠実であることが一番大切だと思います。
> 待ち合わせ場所のホテルのロビーに到着すると黒いシーシェパードシャツ姿の4人が座っていました。自分がシーシェパードの一員であることを隠すことなく、明らかに自分たちの行いに誇りをもっているようです。挨拶を交わして席に着き、これまで地元の人から聞いた印象とは違う、私を歓迎してくれるような雰囲気の対応に戸惑いました。それでもとにかく率直に向き合うことを決意していたので、まずは動画サイトの映像や地元の人の話から感じた正直な意見を伝えました。
> その評判から会うのを躊躇っていたことも正直に伝え、人から聞いた印象ではなく、公平に発言してもらって自分で判断するつもりだと伝えました。昨年の漁師への嫌がらせ行為は同意できないし、あのような活動は決して支持できないとも伝えました。全ての思いを打ち明けてホッとすると同時に彼らの反応に緊張します。驚いたことにこれまで何度も遭遇していたブロンド美女がリーダーだったらしく、彼女から話し始めました。
> 彼女は開口一番言いました。「今日はお時間をいただき感謝します。そして正直にお話くださってありがとうございます。」
> なんだって?!悪名高きシーシェパードからそんな言葉を聞こうとは。不意を突かれ、彼らの言い分を聞くことに俄然興味がわいてきました。「我々は決して人種差別主義者ではなく、人を侮辱することなど望んではいません。色んな風評や、これまでメンバーが取ってきた活動法がありますが、肝心なことは我々は動物や海を救うためにこの場所にいるということです。」そう言いました。この弁明を念頭において、地元の人から指摘を受けた事項について彼らの意見を聞いてみることにしました。
> では、あなたたちはヴィーガン-完全菜食主義者ですか・・・イルカであれ、牛、豚、鶏であれ動物を殺すことは残酷です。もし彼らが肉食を続ける一方で家畜や食用になる動物の殺害に抗議しているならそれは偽善的だと私は思います。彼らの返事に驚きました。4人とも3年以上ヴィーガンを続けているそうです。へえ、ならばシーシェパードメンバーは全員がそうなのかたずねると、約95%近くがヴィーガンだという返事が返ってきました。なんてこった!!!これは地元民がシーシェパードに反感を抱く原因のひとつだから、早く皆にこの事実を伝えなくては。
> 太地の捕鯨は700年以上の歴史がある伝統文化ですがそれについては?彼らの見解は世界が変化と成長を遂げている今の時代だからこそ文化は変えられるというものでした。良い例のひとつに奴隷制度をあげてくれました・・・奴隷制度は長年アメリカの伝統でしたが廃止されました。人々は時代と共に変化し、過去には問題視されていなくても時代の変化にそぐわない文化があることに気付かされました。そこで一人が言いました。「捕鯨が伝統だと言うなら尊重します。それなら伝統的な方法で漁をすればいい!モーターや銛に頼らず、昔ながらの方法で捕獲すればいいんだ。」わあ、驚いた。言われてみればこの言い分は理にかなっています。はたして地元の人たちはここまで深く考えたことはあるのでしょうか。少人数で多数の鯨を捕獲するのではなく、10~20人で一度に一頭を捕獲するのです。南氷洋では1シーズン1000頭の鯨を捕獲しています。太地では26~29人の漁師がモーターの助けを得て一度に10~30頭、9月から3月の漁期を通して約2000頭のイルカを追い込みます。なんと説得力のあるた言い分だ。これを聞いてどう思うか早く太地の友人たちに伝えたいです。
> そこで日本人の誇りについて、そして外国人が突然よその土地に乗り込み、700年の伝統文化を否定する行為は侮辱的に見えることについて説明しました。妥協の余地なく、その行為を直ちに止めるよう強要する態度は無条件には受け入れがたいです。4人はそれには同意しましたが、しかし長年にわたり活動家たちは様々な方法で捕鯨停止を訴えてきたけれど効果が得られず、一部の活動家は極端な対策を取らざるをえなくなったのだそうです。「私たち自身は人を罵倒する無礼な方法はとらないけど、その活動方法に大反対することもありません。」と言いました。この4人の心には優しさがあり、日本人に敬意を表し、ただイルカのために最善を尽くしているだけのようにみえます。忠誠心もあるようにみえますが、他のシーシェパードメンバーのような攻撃的な活動には直接加担しないというだけで、行為そのものは否定しないというのはややいかがわしく、同時に感心もできますがどうでしょうか。
> 地元の人の多くが言及した、シーシェパードはお金のことしか頭にないという点についても聞いてみました。4人は否定し、給料は受け取っておらず、逆にシーシェパードの活動支援のために自費でここまで来ているのだと主張しました。しかしさてこの4人は当てはまらないとしても、メンバー全員がそうとは限りません。
> もうひとつ、漁師を"殺し屋"と呼ぶことが私は不快です。確かに生活のためにイルカを殺しますが"殺し屋"とは意味が異なります。事実をねじまげる弁護士を"嘘つき"と呼びますか?罪を犯した人物の弁護に法律を利用する弁護人は邪悪ですか?私のように"やるか、やられるか"の精神でリングに上がる挑戦的な格闘家は、妥協を許さない攻撃的な性格をしていますか?違います。確かに漁師は仕事としてイルカを殺しますが、行動全てにおいて殺し屋であるわけではありません。弁護士は依頼人を保護するため事実をねじまげますが、だからといって人として嘘つきだとは断定できません。彼らは漁師です。殺し屋ではありません。
> 色んな話題について話し合いましたが、彼らの意見は納得できるものでした。シーシェパード全員が評判通りの人物ではないのです。太地の人たちは誤解しています。何とかして双方が話し合う場を設け、合意でも口論でもなく、ただ意見を交換し合い、太地町民は冷酷な人間ではない、シーシェパードは環境テロリストではない、という互いの誤解を解消しなくてはなりません。太地にいい友人ができましたし、この4人のシーシェパードはいい心根をもっています。どちらも素晴らしい人たちです。
> そういえばもうひとつ、もしかしたら私はやくざで危険人物かもしれないから注意するようにとシーシェパードは誰かから警告を受けたそうです。ということは私たちは互いに警戒しあう立場にあったのです。今日の面会はありえなかったかもしれないのです。幸い互いの広い心のおかげで話し合いが実現したのです。
> 3時間ほど建設的な話し合いができました。評判に反してシーシェパードは合理的で理解があり、なんといっても話しやすい!シーシェパードは環境テロリストではありません。心に情熱と炎を持った人たちなのです。
> テレビや動画サイトの映像からシーシェパードに偏見を持った人たちにも、心を開いて接してもらいたいと今は願っています。恥ずかしながら私自身がたった今その教訓を学びました。なかには同意しがたい活動をするシーシェパードもいますが、だからと言って全員がそうだと決め付けるのはやめましょう。
> 逆の場合も同じです。漁師を"殺し屋"と非難するのも、イルカ調教師やイルカ産業従事者を悪人と非難するのもやめましょう。なかにはどうしようもないシーシェパードや漁師がいるかもしれませんが、個人的なレベルで対面し対話するまでは広い心を持つ努力をしましょう。早合点したり固定観念をもってしまっては何の解決にもつながりません。お互い広い心を持ちましょう。私たちは平和と調和、幸福を願う同じ人間です!人間が争っている間にもイルカは命を落としています。
> 今日新たにできた友人たちと握手を交わし、時間を割いてもらったこと、私の中立な立場を理解してもらったことに礼を述べました。明日一緒に行動しようと誘いを受けましたがそれは断りました。動物を愛する気持ちから反捕鯨側につくことは容易ですが、今回はどちら側にもつかず交渉人や橋渡し役として力を発揮していきたいのです。悪印象しかないシーシェパードと行動を共にすれば太地の人からの信頼を失いかねませんし、そうなれば活動の妨げにもなります。私の立場を彼らに理解してもらい、もしなにか私が見聞きしておくべき事態が発生したらすぐに知らせてもらうようお願いしました。そうすれば単独でその場に向かい、シーシェパードとみなされることなく行動できます。
> それから急いでホテルに戻って夕食に出かける支度をしました。先日格闘技を教えた生徒たちがお礼にと夕食に招待してくれたのです。肉を食べに行こうという誘いでしたが受けることにしました。今日は金曜日なので平日菜食、週末雑食主義のルールからはずれますが、今週は例外として日曜を菜食の日と定めることにします。
> 夕食の席で今日のことを生徒たちと話しました。シーシェパードはテロリストなどではなく、自分たちの行いに情熱をもった、ときに感情的な言動をとってしまう人々なのだと説明しました。今太地に滞在中の4人のメンバーは素晴らしい人たちだと誓って言えると。幸運なことに格闘技界の人は私に敬意を表してくれるので、生徒たちは私の話を聞き入れてくれます。このように私のことを知る日本人から得られる敬意と、私とシーシェパードの間に出来た素晴らしいコミュニケーション力をもってすれば、双方の穏やかな話し合いはいつか実現するはずです。
> もし本当に捕鯨が伝統というなら手漕ぎボートや手製の銛で伝統的な漁をやればいいと思わない?そう問いかけると一瞬絶句して「全くそのとおりだ。」という生徒たちの反応が返ってきました。今太地にいるシーシェパードは全員ヴィーガンで、シーシェパード全体でも95%がヴィーガンだということも伝えると、いぶかる生徒もいましたが、驚いた様子でシーシェパードへの偏見を拭い去ろうとしている生徒たちの様子が感じとれました。光が見えてきました!!!争いや侮辱、無意味な論争はもう十分です。互いの歩み寄りに必要なのは相互理解や敬意です。その純然たるコミュニケーションが変化を促し、最終的に鯨やイルカを救うきっかけとなるのです。何とか最初の話し合いを実現できれば大きな障壁を突き破れるのですが、問題は私は明日大阪で打ち合わせがあり、その後埼玉に帰るということです。つまりあと一日でなんとかしなくてはなりません。
> 思えばこの世界の人々の成り立ちはおかしなものです。一人の福音伝道者が信者を欺くと、全ての伝道者がお金に飢えた嘘つきとみなされます。一人のやくざが店主から用心棒代を強引に奪おうとして捕まれば、全てのやくざが世間に受け入れられないごろつきとみなされます。一人の格闘家が自分の恋人へはたらいた暴力で有罪となれば、全ての格闘家が乱暴で恐ろしくみられます。不幸にも人とはそういうものです。双方の話し合いの実現と相互理解に向けて私はなんとか自分の力を発揮したいと思います。捕鯨問題が長年現状にとどまっているのは明らかです。双方には大きな壁が築かれており、そこに変化をもたらすためには私はどちら側の肩ももつこともできません。これまでなかった個人レベルでの対話を実現させます。これまで会った太地の人々も、今日会ったシーシェパードも素晴らしい人たちなのに、なぜ互いに憎しみ合うのでしょう・・・。誰もなしえなかった太地町民とシーシェパードの、争いのない友好的な対話を実現させます!
> 私個人的には双方を理解するために感情がシーソーゲームのように揺れ動いています。もし言い争いが巻き起これば私はどちら側のためにも議論できます。なんと、自分はとんでもないことに首を突っ込んだものだ。
> 今夜は雨なのでイルカは私が叩くギターの音と不快な歌声から逃れられます。
> -原文-
> Day 7
> December 2nd
> Tomorrow was my last day here and I still didn't talk to the Sea
> Shepherd people. I was hesitant and a bit scared to clash with them
> and get into a heated argument with them. The hotels we stayed at were
> near by and the town was so small we would run into each other a lot.
> However no matter how unreasonable they might seem and how every local
> I talked to disliked them with a passion, I knew I had to get their
> side. I was lucky that the two activist that I met yesterday had a
> great relationship with them and was kind enough to give them my
> contact number. First thing in the morning while I was driving to
> visit the whale memorial, I got a call from Sea Shepherd and the
> meeting was set for the afternoon.
> While talking to the locals many of them mentioned a whale statue in
> Taiji that they said they go to once or twice a year to pray to the
> dolphins. I asked one of the locals for directions and got up first
> thing in the morning and found it! They said they thank the dolphins
> and whales for providing and pray that they rest in peace. When I got
> there it was still just 6 am so the park was empty. I approached the
> statue, put my hands together and began to pray. However I didn't pray
> for thanks for providing, instead I pray that the whales and dolphins
> would pest in peace and for them to forgive us humans for what we do.
> I understand them praying for thanks on providing for the people but I
> wondered if any of the locals prayed an apology for what they support
> or do to these innocent creatures. Have the locals ever studied the
> dolphins to realize how kind, loving, and intelligent they are? Would
> it matter? Because ever since I was born I ate beef and pork but when
> I saw the movie "Earthlings" I find it hard to eat beef and pork in
> fear of promoting the way the animals are treated and tortured. Are
> they just turning the other way? Do these people not have a
> conscience? Am I too sensitive? I was confused and couldn't fully
> understand where the Japanese people were coming from. However, by
> talking to them I could see they were human beings like all of us so I
> really couldn't call them killers or barbaric. Maybe I needed to see
> deeper into what they feel and think...
> I then went to a lookout nearby to gather my thoughts before heading
> back into town to meet with Sea Shepherd. I was nervous about the
> meeting and the video of Sea Shepherd verbally abusing some Japanese
> at the cove kept popping back into my head. As much as I despised the
> abusive, disrespectful tactics I knew I had to meet them and give them
> a chance. I also knew I had to be honest and up front with them if I'm
> going to have any type of true relationship with them. Whether it be a
> close understanding between each other or a clash of opinions and
> animosity between us. Being true is the best way even though it was
> sometimes very difficult to do.
> I arrived at the Charmon hotel and walked into the lobby where we were
> to meet and there sat 4 Sea Shepherd representatives all in black Sea
> Shepherd shirts. It was obvious they took pride in what they were
> doing and had now hesitation letting everyone know they were Sea
> Shepherd supporters. We greeted each other and as I took a seat, I was
> bewildered because the vibes I got from them was welcoming and nothing
> like the locals portrayed them to be. I was determined to be up front
> with them with no bullshit so I started off by informing them on my
> true feelings about them I gathered from Youtube videos and from
> talking to the locals.
> I started off by telling them that I was hesitant to meet them because
> of their reputation. I told them I will give them a fair chance and I
> will not judge them by what I heard although I pretty much already
> was. I straight up told them that I do not agree with the approach one
> of their leaders used last year insulting the people and I can in no
> way support that type of tactics. I felt so relieved to get that off
> my chest and I was a bit nervous to hear their response. Then they
> spoke. The first one was the leader and to my surprise it was that
> beautiful blonde girl that I ran into numerous times around the town.
> The first words out of her mouth was, "We'd like to thank you for
> taking the time to talk with us and appreciate your honesty."
> What?!?! That wasn't the type of response I expected from the
> notorious, "Sea Shepherd" I was caught off guard and was now much more
> interested in hearing their side. They explained to me that in no way
> are the racist and in no way did they want to insult the people. They
> explained to me that despite the reputation and despite the various
> different approaches different representatives have, the bottom line
> they are here for the animals and to help save the ocean. With that in
> mind I began to ask their opinions on the different topics that the
> locals brought up to me as I mingled with them.
> I started off by asking them if they are Vegans... I felt that no
> matter what you are killing whether it be dolphins, cow, pigs, or
> chickens it is brutal. I also felt that it would be hypocritical of
> them to protest killing of any animal that was not being killed just
> for game but for food, if they were eating beef, pork, or chicken. The
> answer surprised me. Yes all 4 of them have been vegans for over 3
> years. Wow. then I asked if all Sea Shepherd members were vegan and
> they said not all but close to 95% are. Damn!!! I couldn't wait to
> tell the locals this because the this was another thing that gave them
> bad feelings for Sea Shepherd.
> I then asked them what they thought about the fact that whaling has
> been in their culture for the last 700 years. Their response, cultures
> can change. Especially with the changes and growth the world is going
> through. The good example they brought up was slavery... It was a long
> time tradition America had and it was abolished. The made my aware
> that people change with the times and some things that were okay in
> the past doesn't usually are in agreement with the change of times. As
> far as tradition, one of them said, "If they want to talk tradition we
> can respect that. But then, do it the traditional way! Don't use
> motors nor harpoons, do it the traditional way." Wow I was amazed.
> This made total sense and I couldn't help but wonder if the locals
> ever really gave this deep thought. Instead of a few men catching many
> whales, 10-20 men should be catching just one whale at a time. In
> Antarctica one Japanese Whaling vessel kills 1000 whales in a season.
> In Taiji, with the help of motors 26 6-9 men can corral 10-30 dolphins
> at a time and approximately 2000 in a season. Wow that made so much
> sense. I couldn't wait to ask my Taiji friends what they thought about
> that idea.
> Then I explained to them about Japanese pride and how offensive it may
> look when foreigners come in to their land suddenly and tell them what
> they been doing for 700 years is wrong. How the no compromise, stop
> what you're doing NOW attitude would be hard to swallow. They agreed
> but they also stated that for years activist have been trying various
> ways to stop the killing to no avail and some activist have resorted
> to desperate measures. They personally didn't use the abusive
> disrespectful tactics but also didn't strongly oppose it. I could see
> that the had kindness in their heart, respected the Japanese people,
> and really just wanted to to do what was best for the dolphins. I also
> saw loyalty in them by not directly opposing anything aggressive,
> abusive tactics other Sea Shepherd supporters may use. This was a
> little disturbing and admirable at the same time. Does that make
> sense?
> I also mentioned to them that many locals think Sea Shepherd is about
> money but they told me that they disagree. They stated that they were
> not being paid for this, in fact they paid their own way down just to
> support Sea Shepherd. Okay this excludes these 4 but that doesn't
> necessarily mean that all Sea Shepherd were the same, I thought.
> I also noticed that they referred to the hunters as "Killers" and that
> to me was derogatory. Yes they kill for a living but that doesn't mean
> they are "Killers". Does being a lawyer where you twist the truth make
> you a "Lier"? Does the use of the law to protect the guilty make you
> an evil person. Does me being an aggressive fighter in the ring with
> the "Kill or be Killed" attitude mean I'm a hard ass or mean I have an
> aggressive personality? No. yes the kill in their jobs but that
> doesn't mean they are overall killers in all they do. Yes lawyers may
> twist the truth to defend a client abut that doesn't mean we should
> classify them as a liar as a person on a whole. Hunters? Yes. Killers?
> We talked about many issues and the all the feedback I got made sense!
> Sea Shepherd supporter weren't all what their reputation labels them
> at... Wow. The people of Taiji have such a misconception of the Sea
> Shepherd supporters. I then had a mission to somehow sit both side
> down in the same room, not to agree or to fight, but to express each
> others opinion and to clear up all the stereotypes that were being
> made about the Taiji residents and cold human beings and the Sea
> Shepherd representatives as ecoterrorist. I made good friends in the
> Taiji community and also felt that these 4 Sea Shepherd supporters I
> met had good hearts and were great people.
> They also mentioned that they were warned by some to be careful of me
> and I may be a Yakuza and dangerous. I then realized that we were in
> the same boat and this meeting could have easily not happened. Luckily
> we both had open minds and gave it a chance.
> We sat and talked for 3 hours and it was a very good productive
> conversation. Contrary to their reputation they are very reasonable,
> understanding, and very easy to talk to! Sea Shepherd does not equal
> ecoterrorism. They are a group that does what they do with a passion
> and with fire in their hearts.
> I plead now to those who has judged all Sea Shepherd's just by shows
> and youtube videos to please give them your open mind and don't judge
> them prematurely. As ashamed as I am I did and I learned a great
> lesson today. Of course there maybe some Sea Shepherd members or
> supporters that do things and have tactics I may not agree with but
> let's not stereotype.
> Also vise versa let's not judge all the hunters as "Killers". Let's
> not judge all the dolphin trainers and those related to the business
> of captivity as bad people. Yes some Sea Shepherd supporters may be
> assholes and some hunters may be cold killers but please as hard as it
> is let's just keep an open mind until we can meet and talk with each
> individual on a personal level. Passing premature judgement and
> stereotyping will not help the cause. Please open your minds and
> hearts and remember We are all after the same thing, peace, harmony,
> and happiness! While the humans are fighting the dolphins are dying.
> I shook hands with my new friends and thanked them for their time and
> understanding on my position of being non bias. They invited to move
> with them tomorrow but I declined. I felt like it because of my love
> for animals it would be easy for me to pick sides but my power in this
> problem wouldn't be to take sides but more as a negotiator or as a
> mediator. I told them that the people of Taiji have such a bad image
> of Sea Shepherd that if I was seen moving around with them that may
> ruin my trust in them therefore hinder my ability to help negotiate.
> The Sea Shepherd totally understood and agreed to let me know if there
> was anything happening that they felt I should see and they would
> contact me. I then could go to the location separately and not be
> classified as a "Sea Shepherd".
> I then hurried back to my hotel to get ready for dinner. The fighters
> I trained with was so grateful for me coming to teach them they wanted
> to take me out for dinner. They wanted to take me out to eat beef and
> I accepted. It was friday and although I had a rule that I was eating
> vegan on on the weekdays and eating whatever I wanted on the weekends,
> I decided to make an exception and juggle my days. Since friday was a
> weekday I decided to substitute it with the sunday instead. Off I went
> to eat beef.
> I got a chance to discuss with the fighters that not all Sea Shepherd
> were like terrorist. I told them that they just have a passion in what
> they are doing and are sometimes reacting on emotion. I vowed to them
> that the 4 Sea Shepherd members here now in Taiji are wonderful
> people. I was fortunate that I am very respected in the fighting
> community and these people take what I say into their heart. With this
> respect I get from the Japanese people that know me and with the great
> communication I got with Sea Shepherd, I knew a calm sit down was in
> the making.
> I mentioned to the fighters that is whaling was really a tradition why
> don't you guys do it the traditional way? Hunt with row boats and
> harpoons made by hand. They were at a loss for word and replied, "Wow,
> that is so true." I also told them that every one of the Sea Shepherd
> supporters currently in Taiji are 100% vegans. Some were skeptical
> while others were surprised and letting down their initial prejudice
> towards Sea Shepherd. I could see the light!!! there was enough
> fighting, insults, and bickering to no avail. Maybe understanding and
> respect for one another is what we need to begin to understand each
> other and hear the reasoning for the things they were doing. This
> could spark and pure type of communication which could possibly
> encourage change and eventually help for the poor whales and dolphins.
> if I could pull this off this would be a major break through. Only
> problem was I had a meeting in Osaka tomorrow and I was planning to go
> straight back home to Saitama after stopping in Osaka. So that means I
> had just one more day to make this happen.
> I then told them that all 4 of the Sea Shepherd supporters here were
> 100% vegans and so was 95% of all Sea Shepherd. Half of them were
> skeptical and the other half were sincerely surprised.
> It is funny how the people of this world have become. An Evangelist
> swindles his followers for more and all evangelist become money hungry
> liars. A Yakuza gets caught for forcing shops to pay protection money
> and all Yakuza are classified as bullies with no honor. A fighter gets
> convicted for beating his girlfriend and all fighters are look at as
> violent and scary. Unfortunate but that's what we do. I felt I needed
> to keep my ability to be able to talk to both sides and ultimately
> eventually have the two sides meet and try to understand each others
> views more. It's obvious that this issue is at a stand still. Both
> side have huge walls that have been built and for me to make a
> difference it wasn't going to help for me to take sides. So far this
> hasn't been done ever on a personal level and I was determined to
> change that. The people of Taiji are wonderful people and so were the
> Sea Shepherd supporters I met today. How can they have so much
> animosity for each other... I was determined to do what has never been
> done before, to had a Taiji resident have a friendly conversation with
> Sea Shepherd without fighting. It will be done!
> Personally my emotions was on a seesaw battle being able to understand
> both sides and if there was a debate on this issue I could argue for
> both sides, Wow, what did I get myself into:
> Because it was raining tonight it spared the dolphin from having to
> listen to me hack on my guitar and listen to my horrible singing.