Real Yamatodamashii | エンセン井上オフィシャルブログ「大和魂」Poweed by Ameba

Real Yamatodamashii

この人のリスペクトがあるから彼にちかずいて、現金¥2000あげました。 彼がオレ言うた時彼の感謝すごく感じた! 気をつけてって言うて、彼からはなれた。
This pilgrim is doing it without money so out of y respect to him I walked over to him to give him an offering of ¥2000. When he thanked me I could feel the genuine appreciation. I told him to be careful and left.

そして俺が楽しみにした美味しい食べ物とやわらかい暖かいベッドに寝るかなえるためにホテル予約しに行きました。 大好きなかつカレ弁当買ってホテルへ向かった!
Then I set off to get myself what I been longing for, a delicious bento from 7-11 and a warm bed to sleep in.... a hotel. I went I got my favorite bento, Pork Cutlet Curry Rice then headed off to the hotel.

ホテルに着いたらあのヘンロウ思い出した! 今日だけ彼に部屋とってあげようと思った。急いで彼がいった所に戻って声かけました!
however when I got to the hotel I couldn't stop thinking about the pilgrim. I wanted to get him a room for tonight so he can relax and refuel so I rushed back to where he was.

それでびっくりしたけど彼断りました! ええ? なんで? 野宿するの辛い分かるししかも私やった条件より10倍辛いやりかったやってる。それでもホテルことわる???
When I got to him I proposed him my offer to get him a room and to my surprise, he graciously declined. What???? Why???? I know how draining and hard it is to slepp outside in the cold. Also he has no money, 10 times harder than how I did the pilgrimage..... and he decline a hotel???

興味あったから彼のとなりに座っていろいろ聞きました。 彼の名前は長崎の平野。 日本全国に2回回った。88箇所72回。 あと断った理由は、自分にそんなあまいたくない。 自分の力確かめたい。すごい!

I was interested in his mind set so I took a seat next to him on the ground and we began to talk. His name is Nagasaki No Hirano and he has walked across Japan 2 times. The pilgrimage I am doing for my 2nd time he has done it 72 times!!! Then the dousy, his reason for declining my offer, he didn't want to pamper himself. He wants to see how strong he is by rough in it as much as he can. Wow!

$エンセン井上オフィシャルブログ「大和魂」Poweed by Ameba

I couldn't believe my ears! Ten he said, I want to tell you one thing. He said, "If ever you have a really trying time in your life where you think you might not be able to go on, remember Nagasaki no Hirano. It will be my happiness to know that our meeting here will give you power in your life someday. Let's be strong."

すげー! 彼としっかり握手して俺の楽しみした弁当渡して、離れました! 今晩エンセンは食べない。 すごい勉強になりました! 弱い俺なら喜んでホテルに泊まりました! エンセンはまだまだ強くならないと。
Wow! I firmly shook his hand, instinctively I handed him my Pork Cutlet Curry Rice, and went on my way. No dinner for me tonight.
What a great lesson I just learned. Weak me would have gladly taken the hotel room for the night. Damn, I still have a lot of spiritual strength and growth I need to do.