Problems.... | エンセン井上オフィシャルブログ「大和魂」Poweed by Ameba


$エンセン井上オフィシャルブログ「大和魂」Poweed by Ameba

Problems I found first hand going into the 20 kilometer Zone in Fukushima

問題1: 現場に入ったらドセメター2つ待って行きました。一個放射能スーツの中と一個放射能スーツの外。5時間ぐらい20キロの中に入ったら2つのドセメターの計算あんまり変わってない。 中のドセメターは17uSVそして外のドセメターは19uSVでした。 2 uSvだけの違い!!!  現場の中に仕事してる皆さんをきってるの放射能スーツ全く守られてない!!!
Problem 1: When I went into the Fukushima radiation zone the other day I wore 2 dosemeters. One inside my radiation suit and one outside my suit. I was in the zone for 5 hours and when I checked both dosemeters there wasn't a significant difference. The dosemeter inside my suit read 17 uSV and the one outside only read 19 uSV. Only 2 uSV's difference. This means that the white radiation suits that are being provided by the Japanese government provide minimal to NO protection from the gamma radiation. So all those going in thinking they are being protected from gamma radiation are being fooled.

問題2:20キロの外にも放射能の計算ありました! 放射能の計算全然中と半端です。 25キロの所kら9uSVの計算出ました。 20キロの外でもかなり放射能をもごれてます!
Problem 2: I got significant readings of radiation even outside the 20 kilometer zone. So the government isn't thoroughly researching the counts of radiation. There are rumors that the Japanese government is lying about the radiation zones and I got proof to prove that. I actually got a reading of 9 uSV on my dosemeter over 25 kilometers away, 5 kilometers outside the zone. I'm sure there are many many more similar areas.

問題3: 動物がようゆうに助かれる! 昨日エサあげたの猫と犬に居る所がとてもひくい可全く放射能がない所だった。いるところ行ける! 早く助かって方がいい!
Problem 3: The animals CAN be safely evacuated! The dogs and cat I fed were in places with low or NO radiation. They are accessible! They should all be captured and evacuated immediately!