Thank you Oyama Family | エンセン井上オフィシャルブログ「大和魂」Poweed by Ameba

Thank you Oyama Family

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昨日大山家族たいへんお世話になってた! 夜ご飯、あたたかい会話、柔らかい布団、美味しい朝ご飯まで心からありがとうございました!
Last night the Oyama Family took really good care of me. They fed me inner, had nice consversation, a soft futon, and delicious breakfast. Thank you from my heart.

大山家族最高! 4人のとてもかわいい子供達がいます!
The Oyama family is a nice family.

親として,たいどやマナーしっかりしながら優しさと愛をいいバランスで育ってます! とてもとても素晴らしい家族です! As parents they are strict while giving a good balance oflove and affection.Such a wonderful family.

The Father, Papa Oyama is a good looking man that looks like he may be from Hawaii. He is also very kind and considerate to his wife.

Oyama Mama is a very beautiful and kind lady. She is a good wife and a great mother to her children.

I really look forward to seeing you all again.