Mind over body | エンセン井上オフィシャルブログ「大和魂」Poweed by Ameba

Mind over body

エンセン井上オフィシャルブログ「大和魂」Poweed by Ameba-enson01002.png

God made the human body really strong.Most normal people don't know this.

Because almost everyone chooses to quit before their body breaks down. Before the body breaks down the mind, spirit, and heart will give up and the body can't help but follow.

Yesterday when I was climbing the mountain even though my body still was moving forward, many times my mind almost gave up on me. You'd be surprised at what the human body can endure if your mind doesn't give up on it.

皆さん!どんな辛い事あっても頭強くして、諦める事消して、頑張ろう! エンセンも明日も頑張ります!
So everyone! No matter how tough a situation you're in, keep your mind strong and erase all the thoughts of quitiog.
I'm going to trudge on tomorrow.