Golds Gym 25th year Anniversary Party Invitation | エンセン井上オフィシャルブログ「大和魂」Poweed by Ameba

Golds Gym 25th year Anniversary Party Invitation

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写真はGolds Gymから送ってもらった25周年パーティー紹介件

Picture: Invitatio n sent by Golds Gym for their 25th Annivesary Party.

何十年前からずっとGolds Gymを心からエンセンは協力しました。

From over 10 years ago I supported Golds Gym from my heart.

何年か立ってGolds Gymが大きくなってエンセンがGolds Gymのスタッフや社長といい付き合い出来て、クリスマスパーティーや20周年パーティーも顔出して、スピーチとかしました。

As the years passed Golds Gym grew bigger and I had a great relationship with Golds Gym's staff and their President. I attended and made speeches at their Christmas parties and even at their 20th Anniversary

それで…2008年エンセン逮捕されて、やっと出て、また頑張って立ち上がるところで、Golds Gymにウエイトトレーニングしに行ったらd、Golds Gym着前に待ち合わせした知り合いから電話が来て、「今Golds Gymにいるんだけどエンセン出入り禁止だよ。」って言われました。

Then in 2008 after I got out of jail Iwas meeting an aquaintance to do some weight training at Golds Gym when I got a phone call from my aquaintance who arrived at Golds Gym early. 「Hey you're banned from Golds Gym!They said you're not allowed here anymore」he informed me.

私は信じられなかった。Golds Gymから知らせの電話全く直接なかったし、自分の知り合いに平気で伝えた。

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I never got a single phone call from Golds Gym. Worse off、they didn't speak to me directly they told an aquaintance.

Golds Gymがもっとしっかりしてるところと思ったし、Golds Gymの社長と仲良かったのに、この使い方。

I thought a big franchise like Golds Gym did things more proper. On top of it all I also thought the President and I had a good connection.

何年も協力したし、一回エンセンが失敗したら、筋もとうさないでエンセン出入り禁止する。 何で? 寂しい!

I gave Golds Gym my support all these years and one screw up and I'm banned? Why? So sad.

それでGolds Gymのスタッフに話して、Golds Gymのルールがあると分かるけど直接一言もない。がっかりした気持ちを伝えて、社長から連絡欲しいって言って、電話切りました。

I understand Golds Gym has rules and policies but no call from the President? I expressed my disappointment,asked them to let the President know I want a call, and hung up the phone.

2か月ぐらい立って全くGolds Gymから連絡ない。だからもう一回Golds Gymに電話して、社長からまだ連絡ない事を伝えて電話切りました。もう1ヶ月たってまだ連絡ない。

2 months go by and still no call. So I called Golds Gym and again asked them to inform the President that I wanted him to call me. Another month goes by and still no call.

もうエンセンのひょうばんが悪くなったからもうGolds Gymいらない。何で? 忠義はもっと深いはず。超寂しかった。

My reputation was bad and now Golds Gym doesn't need me anymore. Why? I thought loyalty was deeper than that. What a drag.

それでやく3カ月後修斗の試合見に行ったら、またまたとなりにGolds Gymの社長いました。

Then about 3 months later, I went to watch a Shooto event and coincedentally Golds Gym's President was standing right next to me.

エンセンは我慢出来なくってすぐGolds Gymの社長に話に行きました。ストレートに裏切られた気持ち伝えて、Golds Gymが忠義がない事も伝えて、気持ちをすっきりしました。

I couldn't hold it in I went straigt up to the President and told him just how I felt. I expressed his lack of courtessy of not calling me and the dissatisfaction with the lack of loyaltyGolds Gym showed me. After letting him know how I feek, I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest.

社長に話した理由はまたGolds Gymに行きたいからじゃなくって、Golds Gymのやり方と忠義の悪さ伝えたかっただけ。 自分の気持ち言えたからもう話ないから社長から離れました。

My objective wasn't to get reinstated by Golds Gym but just to express to the President my dissatisfaction on how they handled this situation and their lack of loyalty to me, one of their biggest supporters from the beginning.

2週間後Golds Gymの社長から電話あって、「Golds Gymがまたエンセンの事これからも協力したいからいつでも自由で使って下さい。」

2 weeks later I got a call from Golds Gym's President and he told me that they have decided to once again support me and I am once again allowed to use Golds Gym facilities whenever i wanted to.

信じられなかった。電話で。直接話に来ない? 中途半端だ。
I couldn't believe he called me. He didn't even have the decency to talk to me face to face. So half ass.

それで先々週Golds Gymから25周年のパーティーの招待券が郵便で来ました。アストラの試合に立ち上がってひょうばんまた良くなったから、出入り禁止じゃなくって招待??

Then a couple weeks ago I get an invitation from Golds Gym to attend their 25th Anniversary Party? Is it because I got back in the ring and my reputation is better now? Amazing... from being banned to an invatation to their 25th Anniversary Party???

それからGolds Gymに一回でも行った事ない。行かない! ちょっと誤って、ちょっと社長が反省しないと、死ぬまで忠義の本当の意味分からないところ、Golds Gymに行きません。

Since then I still haven't set foot in Golds Gym. And until they show their appologies, until the day I die I will not set foot in a disloyal place like Golds Gym.

いい時肩くまれて、大変な時背中向くところ一切も付き合いたくない。 寂しいのはあるGolds Gymスタッフ超仲良かったし、今の問題全然分からない。

The people who are there in the good times buu turn their back during the hard times I don't ever want to associate with.
What also makes me sad is some of the Golds Gym staff I was close with know nothing about this problem.