



#名古屋 #ナゴヤセントラルガーデン #散歩 #今池 #女子大 #夜景 #日本 #Japan #Nagoya #Nightview #walk


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■与作へのご連絡 enshujin.dani@gmail.com

■名古屋ドライブシリーズ [Drive Nagoya] ► https://bit.ly/2XDzyPs

■名古屋散歩シリーズ [Walk Nagoya] ► https://bit.ly/2K5ZJLB

■夜の名古屋ドライブ [Night Drive Nagoya] ► https://bit.ly/2WByDmb

■夜の名古屋散歩 [Night Walk Nagoya] ► https://bit.ly/2IA8kTx

■雨の名古屋シリーズ [Rainy Nagoya] ► https://bit.ly/2WqW1xR

■ディープな街を歩く [Walk at Deep town] ► https://bit.ly/2WwmhvC

■名古屋の寂しい街、商店街、横丁 [Deserted town and street] ► https://bit.ly/2NfzRPw

■名古屋のお祭り&イベント [Festival&Events] ► https://bit.ly/2WyBLir

■名古屋からの小旅行 [Short Trip from Nagoya] ► https://bit.ly/31mCTog

■東山線の上をドライブ [Drive Higashiyama-subway] ► https://bit.ly/2WXCLfs

■桜通線の上をドライブ [Drive Sakuradori-subway] ► https://bit.ly/2XzE01H

■鶴舞線の上をドライブ [Drive Tsurumai-subway] ► https://bit.ly/2Ws71L4

■車窓風ドライブシリーズ [Drive like Train P.O.V.] ► https://bit.ly/2WEDGlX

■知多半島ドライブ [Drive Chita Peninsula] ► https://bit.ly/2KErN86

■遊郭跡を訪ねて [Walk at Red-light district] ► https://bit.ly/2UDOAY0

■かわいい動物シリーズ [Cute Animals] ► https://bit.ly/2Ws78pY


Copyright© Enshujin-Yosaku All Rights Reserved.

From Ikeshita's Nagoya Central Garden (Takami 2-chome, Chikusa-ku), I passed through Imaike, Shinsakae and Joshidai-koji to Yaba-cho (Naka-ku Osu 3-chome). Nagoya Central Garden is a stylish mixed area consisting of commercial facilities and condominiums with famous shops such as La Bettola da Ochiai and Sanpi-ryoron.

It's also interesting that you can get to a bit deeper city such as Imaike, Shinsakae, and Joshidai just by leaving for about an hour from the stylish area. There are many dark roads that are not popular if you enter Nagoya from the main street, so we recommend that you take a walk at night, especially for women.

I hope you will enjoy the night view of Nagoya with this video, and it will be helpful for those who can come to see.

Please understand that this movie is not Vlog (video blog) but a simple walking video (rogue moving picture) without facial expression, sound and BGM.

Mainly in Nagoya - Japan - Traveling around the world such as the streets, taking walks, driving and eating walking videos will be posted, so if you want to taste the walk or drive in YouTube and before going to the town Those who would like to utilize with, certainly please register your channel!

■Please subscribe to my channnel https://bit.ly/2tCy62i
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■Twitter https://twitter.com/enshujin_dani
■email address enshujin.dani@gmail.com

Copyright© Enshujin-Yosaku All Rights Reserved.
(I used google translate. I am sorry if my English is wrong.)