2018/03/30 The Shining man E12  ~Finale~ | エンジョイ・シンプル・イングリッシュ と リトル・チャロ を英文でディクテーション!ブログ

The Man with forty faces, also known as the Shining man, laughs as he runs down the tunnel. Akecih Kogoro and the police run after the robber. They are sure they will catch him this time, but.

A metal gate suddenly falls down in front of the policemen. It almost hits them, but they are okay. The problem is the police can no longer run after the Man with forty faces.

I told you, I don’t like to be caught. I always have a plan. You should hurry back to the entrance of the tunnel, or.

The policemen don’t know what to do. They want to talk to Akechi, but they find he is not there. Then, another gate falls behind the policemen.

Oh, no. We can't go back now. We can't go anywhere.

How do you like my plan? Goodbye, gentlemen.


Laughing, the robber runs away. He climbs up a stairway at the end of the tunnel and lifts a stone lid. Listeners, the Man with forty faces is going to escape again. He climbs out and is about to smile when a big net falls on him. He tries to get out, but when he moves, he gets caught deeper in the net. He finally falls down.

You look like a big fish caught in a net.


You are not the only one with a plan, you know.

But how did you get here before me?

It's easy. I was ahead of the police. I knew there was another exit to this tunnel other than the well. You would never go into a place with only one exit. So the boys looked for the other exit and they found it rather easily. They are the ones holding the net by the way.

The Man with forty faces is very angry and tries to get out of the net. But he can't get out.

There is no way for you to escape this time. You are finally caught.

Just then, the stone lid moves, and the policemen come out. They were able to move the gate. All the policemen see the Man with forty faces in the net and rush to get him. After a short fight, the police finally put handcuffs on him.

Akechi sensei, we did it. We solved the mystery of the shining man and caught the Man with forty faces. Hurray. Hurray.

Kobayashi is so happy. The other boys join Kobayashi, and they all cry out.

Hurray for Akechi sensei. Hurray for us.

Listeners, the battle between good and evil finally comes to an end.