2018/03/09 The Shining man E9 | エンジョイ・シンプル・イングリッシュ と リトル・チャロ を英文でディクテーション!ブログ

Outside the secret house of the Shining man, Kobayashi and his friends are lying down on the grass. They are waiting for the robber to come out of the tunnel they found. Then, they see a black shadow, and Kobayashi calls out.


The black shadow turns around. It is an old man with a white beard.

You can't fool us. We know you are the Shining man.

That is correct. I’m impressed you found the tunnel and me. I have a message for Akechi. Kobayashi kun, please tell him and the police that I will not stop stealing treasures. It is so much fun. Goodbye.

With that, the old man suddenly starts to shine. The boys watch with open mouths as the Shining man, also known as the man with forty faces, flies into the night. Akechi comes running and says.

Kobayashi kun, where is he? Did you get him?

I’m sorry. He was dressed as an old man, and then, he started to shine. Then, he flew away like he always does.

It's all right. But that means, he knew someone was going to be waiting outside the tunnel. And still he came out. This is just a game for him. We’ll catch him the next time.

Yes, Akechi sensei. We will.

The chance comes sooner than everyone thinks. A few days later, there is a phone call at the detective's office.

Hello, this is the Akechi Detective office.

I’d like to talk to Akechi sensei.

I’m sorry, he’s out right now. I’m his assistant, Kobayashi.

Oh, you are the famous Kobayashi kun. I’m kamiyama of Minato-ku. It's an emergency. Could you help me?

Of course. What is your emergency?

The Shining man. I saw him around my house several times.

Kobayashi runs all the way to a big, expensive house. Inside the house, Kamiyama takes an art piece out of his safe and shows it to Kobayashi.

This is my family treasure. It is a three-level pagoda made of precious green stone. It is only fifteen centimeters tall but priceless. I think the shining man wants this because he is stealing Asian art pieces.

Then, Kamiyama puts the treasure back into the safe.

Only I know the secret numbers for this safe. I’m sure the shining man will not be able to open it.but.

It is just then when the two see it. A shining face is hanging upside down outside the window.

Mr. Kamiyama. It's him. The Shining man.

Kamiyama pulls out a pistol and shoots.