2018/03/02 The Shining man E8 | エンジョイ・シンプル・イングリッシュ と リトル・チャロ を英文でディクテーション!ブログ

Hurry man, over there.

The police are almost at the door of the small living room where Akechi and the shining man are talking. Then, the shining man locks the door.

Why did you do that?

I told you, Akechi. I always have a plan.

And the shining man smiles as the floor starts to shake.

Is it an earthquake?

A few seconds later, the police reach the room. They knock on the locked door.

Akechi sensei. We’re here. Open the door, Akechi sensei.

No one answers them, and the room is very quiet. Too quiet.

Something is wrong. Let's break down the door.

One tall policeman throws his body against the door. With a big bang, the door breaks and the police rush inside. But there is no one in the room.

Where is Akechi sensei? Where is the shining man?

Listeners, how is this possible? How can Akechi and the shining man be talking in a room and not be there at the same time? Could it be magic? Back in the room, the shining man unlocks the door. Akechi is surprised.

Why did you unlock the door?

To get out, of course.

Are you ready to give up? I told you there are police waiting outside.

And I told you, I never get caught. Bye, Akechi.

With that, the shining man opens the door and goes outside. Akechi waits for the police to catch the robber, but it is quiet outside. The police didn’t catch him because they are not there. After thinking for a while, Akechi understands.

I see.

Akechi goes to where the police are. Then, he explains what happened.

An elevator?

That’s right. The small room was like an elevator. The shining man moved the room we are in down to the basement. The key was the start button.

You mean the whole room moved down?

Yes, and another room was above our room. So while we were in the basement, you were looking in the room above us.

That is unbelievable.

He is really smart.

Only he could think of such a plan. Did you know that he’s also the man with forty faces?

They are the same man? We have to catch him. But where is he now?

There was a door connected to the outside in the basement. But don’t worry, he won’t get far.

How can you be sure?

I asked my assistants to patrol the area. I’m sure they will find where he comes out and then follow him.

Akechi is correct. Kobayashi and his friends find the hole and wait for the shining man to come out.