2018/02/09 The shining man Episode 5 | エンジョイ・シンプル・イングリッシュ と リトル・チャロ を英文でディクテーション!ブログ

At Sugimoto’s house, Kobayashi, an assistant of the great detective, Akechi Kogoro, and his friends had almost caught the shining man. At akechi’s office, Mayumi, another assistant, is waiting for their return. Suddenly there is a knock at the door.

Yes, who is it?

There is no answer, so Ayumi opens the door. A man wearing a black suit and a cap is standing at the door. His face is blue white, and Mayumi sounds a little afraid as she asks.

Who are you?

There is something I need to tell Akechi sensei as soon as possible.

I’m sorry, but he is away on a business trip.

Then, may I speak to his assistant, Kobayashi kun.

He is also away right now.

I see. Do you know where is Kobayashi kun is right now?

Let me tell you.

Without asking, the strange man goes inside the room and sits on a chair.

Kobayashi kun is in Mr, Sugimoto’s garden with his friends.

In the garden? What is he doing there?

Well, he tried to catch the shining man.

And did he?

No. he was very close, but the shining man was smarter.


The shining man had four arms just in case he was caught. Two were real, and two were fake ones made of plastic. Kobayashi kun and his friends held onto the fake arms, and here the real ones.

Saying so, the man holds out his own arms. Mayumi looks at his mask like face as he smiles. She knows she is in danger.

Who are you?

I think you already know. You know that I’m wearing a mask right? Here is what I really look like.

The man stands up, takes off his cap and pulls off his mask. His face is yellow white. Then, the man turns off the room lights. The face shines and starts to float in the air.

It is the shining man himself.

I have successfully stolen Mr. Sugimoto’s treasure tonight while kobayashi kun was there. Two days from now, I will steal the Akamori family’s five Chinese Buddhist statues.


There They are as small as your hands. But very precious. I have wanted them for a long time.

Why are you telling me this?

I want you to tell Akechi.

But I told you he’s away. I can't.

I know he is coming back on the day I plan to steal the statues. Akechi may be a great detective, but he can't win against the mysterious shining man. Make sure to tell him.

Then, the face floats like a balloon toward an open window and disappears into the night.