2017/09/15 The Shining man E10 | エンジョイ・シンプル・イングリッシュ と リトル・チャロ を英文でディクテーション!ブログ

In Kamiyama’s house, the room echoes with the sound of a pistol. Kamiyama has just shot at the Shining man.

Ha ha ha...

The bullet hit the window but not the Shining man. He laughs outside as he jumps from tree to tree in Kamiyama’s garden.

He is making fun of us, Kobayashi-kun. I’m going to get him.

Kamiyama runs out of the room and into the garden. Kobayashi follows. They chase the Shining man to a dry well in the garden. Then, the Shining man disappears down into it.

Kobayashi-kun, wait here. I'll go down and get him.

Kamiyama goes down into the well. After a well while, he calls up to Kobayashi.

I found a tunnel at the bottom of the well. I think the Shining man went in it. Could you come down here?

Of course.

Kobayashi climbs down and then shines his pen-shaped flashlight.

Did you know this tunnel was here Mr. Kamiyama?

No, I had no idea.

They walk to the end of the tunnel and find a small room. A shining white face is floating in front of them. It is the Shining man.

Mr. Kamiyama, the face has a body. So let's jump on it in and catch him.


The two jump at the floating face, but it gets away. And then, listeners, the shining face starts to float in circles around the small room. Kobayashi moves to get away.

Now I have you.


Then suddenly, Kobayashi falls down into a deep hole. Listeners, it was a trap.

Oh, no. Mr. Kamiyama. Help me.

Kamiyama shows his face at the edge of the hole but says.

I think he played a trick on you once again.

What are you talking about?

Look beside you.

Kobayashi uses his flashlight, and then says.

Oh, no. Are you all right, sir?

Kobayashi cannot believe his eyes. There is a man tied in ropes. And the man looks just like Kamiyama.

What is happening? Who are you?

I think you already know, but we’re not twins. One of us is real. Is it me? Or him.

Kamiyama’s voice changed as he was talking. Then, Kamiyama and the shining face stand side by side at the top of the hole. They seem to know each other very well. Suddenly, Kobayashi understands.

I get it. You are the man with Forty faces, and your assistant must be acting like the Shining man. So that means, you put the real Kamiyama-san in this hole before I came to the house.

Good answer, Kobayashi-kun.

Then, that means the treasure.

It's in my pocket.

Listeners, the robber already has the treasure. And Kobayashi is trapped in a hole. What will happen next?