2017/07/14 The shining man Episode two | エンジョイ・シンプル・イングリッシュ と リトル・チャロ を英文でディクテーション!ブログ

Hello, this is the Akechi Kogoro detective office.

Hello. My name is Sugimoto of Setagaya.

How can we help you today?

Well, you see. The shining man is coming to my house tonight.

The shining man? The man everyone is talking about?

Yes. I talked to the police already, but I’d really like to ask for Akechi Sensei’s help. I heard that he is the best detective for cases like this.

Yes, you called the right place. But unfortunately, Akechi Sensei is not in Tokyo now.

Oh, no.

But Mr. sugimoto, I can help you.

You?  You sound very young.

I am young, but I am Akechi Sensei’s best assistant. My name is Kobayashi.

Oh, you are the famous Kobayashi kun. Yes, please help me. You must stop the shining man from taking my treasure.


Kobayashi rushes over to Sugimoto’s house and asks him what happened.

It was a little past noon today when a man came to see me. He was strange. His face had a lot of yellowish-white powder on it. And he kept his white gloves on even after coming into the room. He gave me his card that said kitamori shichiro. And then, he said, Tomorrow at ten o’clock. Don’t forget. And he left.

Interesting. Then, what happened?

I looked at his card, but the letters were gone.

Do you mean the letters disappeared? May I see the card?

Sugimoto hands kobayashi the card. Kobayashi looks at the front, then the back, the front again. He is puzzled. Then sugimoto says.

It surprised me at first, too.  But if you look at it from a different angle in the sunlight, you’ll see.

Oh, I see some writing. But the color of the ink is very similar to the card, so I can't read it.

May I have the card? You can't read the letters when the room is light. But when you look at it in the dark.

Sugimoto stands up and closes the curtains. Then, he turns off the lights. The room becomes dark. Listeners, you will not believe it, but the letters start to shine. The message says.

Tomorrow night at ten o’clock , I will come to steal your treasure. You can't stop me. The shining man.

I get it. So the strange man must be the shining man.

But his face wasn’t shining.

The yellowish ink on the card didn’t shine until it was in the dark, right? The shining man is probably using this same trick on his face. That’s why he wasn’t shining in your office.

I think you are right

Listeners, what will happen next?