2022 10 07 Sat






Today, we started the day with sushi! It was one of the items on my husband's must-eat list during his temporary return. But why sushi for breakfast, you might ask? Well, it's because the sushi place we wanted to go to, called 'Edokko Sushi,' is located inside a wholesale market. They open at 7 AM and close as soon as they run out of ingredients, so you've got to be there bright and early!










"Just like always, we started with the 'omakase' at 1,980 yen. Everything was fresh, and the pieces were generously sized!

Everything was delicious, but today, the sardine and conger eel were just outstanding.  They melted in my mouth. We added them, along with bonito, ark shell, and oysters, on the chef's recommendation. As we were getting quite full, another customer chimed in, 'You've got to try the eel!' So, we decided to add the eel too. It was indeed thick and delicious, possibly even better than what you get at specialized eel restaurants!

Conversations with the chef and other customers across the counter were also fun. And to think, all of this for just 11,900 yen for the three of us! 






Afterward, we all went to an electronics store to check out the coffee maker that was highly recommended on TV. Even though my husband can't really taste the coffee himself, he suggested it because he knows I love coffee. However, I decided not to buy it because our current coffee maker still works fine.


Instead, our daughter and I took a close look at the microwave ovens. The one we currently have has a dial that's not functioning properly, making it a challenge to adjust the temperature and set the time. We've been using it for almost 30 years since we got married, so I thought it might be time for an upgrade. Additionally, our girl wants to bake the bread she's been learning to make in her cooking classes.




Well, after being out all day, we returned home, and it was already dinnertime. For tonight's dinner, we had curry, which is one of my husband's must-have dishes. Don't you find preparing dinner when you get back home after being out all day a bit of a hassle? That's why, the day before my husband's temporary return, I made the curry and let it sit in the fridge so the flavors could meld. This way, I don't have to rush, and my husband gets to enjoy his favorite home-cooked curry. It keeps both of us happy!

