Curry, hobbies and Gion Matsuri | 和のブログ


English Cafe 和 のスタッフブログです。

The session started off with lots of talk about food. We somehow drifted across the likes of mexican tacos and indian curry while discusiing our affinity towards such foods. We then stumbled upon the question on whether Indians ate curry everyday to which I could not give any conclusive answer.

We then drifted across to hobbies, from which we discussed passionate Karaoke singing, hiking and travelling. We discussed our different travels ranging from Germany to Canada, from which I was happy to learn one of the guests had visited my university!

Then while discussing festivals I was told of the famous festival occuring few days from now in Kyoto, which I have decided to attempt to attend. Gion Matsuri was explained to me in such a kind and interesting manner that now I feel it is my duty to go and observe this spectacle.

Some new words we discussed were "entrepreneur`, "stable` and "stroopwaffel` (type of sweet from the netherlands).

Thank you for another enjoyable session, and hope to learn more and speak to everyone next time!