Why Britain needed the invintion??? | All about Greenwich

All about Greenwich

Finding the longitude

 Since the Age of Discovery mainly in 16th centry, many strong Europe countries fight for the hegemony of the sea. First Spain took control over the East trade due to their distinguished navigation system and their well-designed battleships.

All about Greenwich

 Britain was the strongest enemy for Spain that  they fought many times.

For example, King Felipe Ⅱ and Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ.

All about Greenwich King Felipe Ⅱ

All about Greenwich Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ

 Soon, a new country expanded its power to Europe. It was the Ottoman Empire. Britain was always on the verge of losing its power on the sea.

All about Greenwich

 Going through many battles, Britain developed their navigation system and started to settle down all over the world. Britain expanded their colonization and built many bases of world trade.

All about Greenwich

 The great contribution of Greenwich made Britain become intense, powerful country of the world at that time, which soon entered into the golden age.