Are you having fun for this three-day holiday?
After repeated dull weather it seems to be getting better finally.

Here is a secret for
one of the キラキラBESTキラキラ English exercises.

You may wonder is that it?
Yes, I recommend daily English radio programme.
NHK radio programme has a long history
with an established reputation.
dull weather: すっきりしない天気
established reputation: 良い評判
I once had a chance at a lecture
to speak to an interpreter for a national government office.
He mentioned that he had used NHK programme
to brush up his English.
Suprisingly, he didn't push the most high-level course
like "Busuness Conversation",
but daily conversation programme that I could enjoy.

At that time I was suprised by his comment as a student
because I used to think that
the more difficult and challenging, the better the text was!
(what was funny enough,
I was listening to Business Conversation then.)
But it was not true,
and I had difficultiy keeping up with my daily task
and stated to loose interest.
brush up: (語学などを)磨く
what was funny enough: 笑えることに

Being a interpreter and English teacher
I always feel a need to be able to speak
fluently and accurately.
Even so, it is difficult to make effort daily
to liten and speak real English.
So, from this February
I decided to start listening againビックリマーク
fluently and accurately: 流暢かつ正確に

Join me for this best English programme.
Lesson is only 15 mins long
from Monday through Saturday.
The rainer is Mr. Keinan Iwamura,
a very fun and skilled English teacher.
Training includes
conversation practice,
role play,
even shadowing合格

Only every day practice
daily effort
can improve your English.

本 メモ 本
training includes: 練習に含まれる内容は

As a child,
I rememember only a limited variety of hibiscuses,
but these days I am often surprised by the range of differences
in shape and color.

a limited variety of : 限られた種類
range of diffrences: 種類の多さ

They were flowering so
gracefully and proudly
in the drizzling rain.

drizzring rain: 小雨

雪の結晶Hope you all are surviving this cold weather.雪の結晶

Last Sunday, I drove to Nago with my friends 車
to see the cherry blossoms.


As the trees I saw here in Urasoe
seemed to have started to bloom only recently,
I thought it was the right time to take a day trip to the North.

We were sorry to find out the cherry blossoms season is almost over there,
and some trees even had lost all of the blossoms.

Still, as you can see
we appreciated the beauty of the remainig sign of spring.

( Or to put it more correctly,
I should say cherry blossoms are considered to be
the sign of the coldest time of the year
here on in Okinawa!!)

We had a nice walk
along with the festival shop stand,
and tried "cherry blossom flavoured" ice cream shiveringly.

ショック! カゼ えっ

appreciated: 鑑賞した
sign of spring: 春のしらせ(ここでは桜のこと)
shiveringly: ふるえながら