It has been quite mild these past few daysお月様.

I have been busy getting ready for my moveあせる
and only a week left to finalize all the packing.時計

mild: 穏やかな、すごしやすい
move: 引っ越し

As I have about two weeks off from workニコニコ,
it allows me enough time to organize the move.

Four years have passed really fast,
and I am going to miss beautiful sunset 晴れview from my apartment.

~英語で沖縄~ Okinawan Life in English-sunset


Here is one tip to share.
「引っ越し業者」or 「運送会社」in English is かたつむり
"a mover".

There are big words like
"a forwarding agency" or "a transport industry".
However, the word mover is usually used in the conversation.

Next post is going to be from my new place.メモ

Have you seen two wheeled bicycle
on Kokusai street in Naha?

It is called Velo taxi 音譜
and was imported from Germany.
I didn't have enough gutメラメラ to go on the bike,
but finally decided to reserve 2-hour-ride
when my friend came over to the island馬.

You can use the taxi by the distance like an usual taxi.
(350 yen for 500m).

Also, you can reserve by the hour.
One hour for one person is from 1000 yen.

You can also ask for a guided tour.
We went for two-hours Kokusai street guided tour for two person.
The price was 5500 yen and it was really worth it.アップ
(If you share it with your friend, it is not that expensive.)
Even if you are local Okinawan, you are not able to give such a thorough tour
without getting tiredショック! after a long walk.

The driver was really nice, and you should ask for "Tensuke-san".自転車
He knows all about Kokusai street and what's behind it.
It was exciting to find nice old tempra shopナイフとフォーク
where locals make a line to buy.走る人
He would take you to those kind of places.自転車

(*^▽^*) Enjoy!

Access the following site and you'll have full detail.

They can sleep through the day. (ノ゚ο゚)ノ

Monopolizing the best spot in the house.

Right in front of the heater.

For your information
"winter sleep(冬眠)" in English is
Winter in French is "hiver",
so this word has French origin.

♪(*^ ・^)ノ

Here comes my cat.
So, you came out of hibernation!

キラキラキラキラ I'm starved! キラキラキラキラ


( °д°)??

Starved from sleeping all day?


I'm starved!: 「お腹ぺこぺこ!」