動詞の方は良く使いますが形容詞はあんまりなじみが無いです*o_ _)oバタッ

extremely interesting: a fascinating book
:That sounds absolutely fascinating.(L)
:Sounds fascinating.(英)
:find somebody/something fascinating(L)
:I found him quite fascinating.(L)
:The book offers a fascinating glimpse of the lives of the rich and famous.(C)
:I found the whole film fascinating.(C)
:a fascinating story/subject(O)
:The results of the survey made fascinating reading.(O)
:It's fascinating to see how different people approach the problem.(O)
:I fail to see what women find so fascinating about him.(O)
:Your trip to Alaska sounds absolutely fascinating.(O)
:The book provides a fascinating glimpse into Moroccan life.(O)

●Japan Times:JAN 19, 2013
Citizens’ woeful social consciousness ensures a bleak outlook for Japan
A fascinating working paper by Chad Steinberg and Masato Nakane, both senior economists at the International Monetary Fund, was released in October last year.

●Japan Times:FEB 14, 2013
Driven to shoot on the frontlines
This is a fascinating exhibition, but it could have been staged better.

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