
an argument etc that makes you feel certain that something is true or that you must do something about it
:Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town.(L)
:The court was presented with compelling evidence that she'd murdered her husband.(L)
:compelling evidence(C)
:It's a fairly compelling argument for going.(C)
:There is no compelling reason to believe him.(O)
:compelling evidence(O)
:Students are not allowed to take a leave of absence for more than a semester unless there is a compelling reason.I(英)

●Japan Times:DEC 18, 2012
Building an inclusive society for the disabled
Another compelling reason for us to pay closer attention to disability is that the population of the Asia-Pacific region is graying at an unprecedented rate.

●BBC:12 February 2013
UK mulls 'radical' shake-up of air traffic control
John Smith, head of Air Traffic Management strategy at Thales, told the BBC that the two issues make a compelling argument for change but admits that not everyone is persuaded that the current system, which has been in use since World War Two, needs an overhaul.

2 人の心をつかんで離さない、人を引き付ける、感動的な◆【同】very intriguing
very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention
:His life makes a compelling story.(L)
:I found the whole film very compelling.(C)
:a compelling story(C)
:Her latest book makes compelling reading.(O)

●Japan Times:JUN 5, 2010
BP disaster’s lesson for government regulators
The oil technology story, like the one for exotic financial instruments, was very compelling and seductive.

●Japan Times:SEP 26, 2012
Why shouldn’t pols treat voters like grownups?
So it was passing strange for Rich Williamson, former assistant secretary of state and current Romney adviser, to say, regarding the Egypt and Libya attacks, “There’s a pretty compelling story that if you had a President Romney, you’d be in a different situation.”

a strong need, desire etc to do something, making you feel that you must do it
:He felt a compelling need to tell someone about his idea.(L)
:a compelling need/desire(O)
:compelling need/desire/urge (to do something)(L)

●Japan Times:MAR 18, 2013
Secret FBI letters ‘unconstitutional’
The government has failed to show that the letters and the blanket nondisclosure policy “serve the compelling need of national security,” and the gag order creates “too large a danger that speech is being unnecessarily restricted,” she wrote.

●BBC:27 January 2013
Transcript: Daniel Day-Lewis on The Andrew Marr Show
But by that time I'd been bitten and that sense of a compelling need to do something is very hard to resist.

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