日本語になってますが全然イメージが湧きません*o_ _)oバタッ

a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several places
:a Mediterranean cruise(L)
:cruise around(L)
:a cruise around the world(L)
:I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise.(O)
:a luxury cruise ship(O)

●Japan Times:JAN 14, 2013
Cruise ship ‘monsters’ stir discord in Venice
A year after the Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster, the luxury liners that ply the waters just in front of St.
For all of the assurances, the sight of cruise ships as tall as apartment blocks floating just a few meters from St. Mark’s Basilica is an arresting one.

●BBC:7 March 2013
Legal action after norovirus outbreak on P&O cruise from Southampton
A group of passengers has begun legal action after getting a vomiting bug on a winter cruise.
More than 400 passengers on the cruise ship Oriana were confined to cabins due to norovirus during a 10-day Baltic cruise from Southampton in December.

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