供給って意味しか知りませんでした*o_ _)oバタッ

food, clothes, and things necessary for daily life or for a particular purpose, especially for a group of people over a period of time:
:Supplies were brought in by air.(L)
:vital/essential/emergency supplies(L)
:trucks loaded with emergency supplies(L)
:medical/school/cleaning etc supplies(L)
:foreign aid used to buy medical supplies(L)
:Our supplies were running out.(O)
:a transport plane carrying food and medical supplies for refugees(O)
:The refugees are urgently in need of food and medical supplies.(C)

●Japan Times:MAR 29, 2011
From raw emotion to relief: ‘Quakebook’
Many people also had stocks of emergency supplies.

●BBC:4 March 2013
Breast milk delivery launched by Midland blood bikes
The service has about 25 volunteer bikers who transport blood and medical supplies free of charge to hospitals.

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