二日酔いで朝は頭がガンガンでした*o_ _)oバタッ

イクフン単語 2週目を音読。

極リス part 3 音読 & 実戦問題の暗記をしようとする


moving or reacting more slowly than normal
:The birds were sluggish in movement on the chill mornings. (英)
:The stock market is still sluggish. (英)
:There are quite a few new, energetic companies that are doing well in a sluggish Japanese economy. (英)
:In an effort to lift the sluggish economy, the government is mulling a gigantic stimulus package. (英)
:Both pupils were sluggish to light stimulation. (英)
:He was sluggish and didn't like doing anything productive.(英)
:Hot, humid weather makes most people sluggish. (英)
:Alex woke late feeling tired and sluggish.(L)
:Economic recovery has so far been sluggish.(L)
:sluggish traffic (O)
:a sluggish economy (O)
:the sluggish black waters of the canal (O)
:He felt very heavy and sluggish after the meal. (O)
:The growth of the export market has helped to compensate for sluggish demand at home. (O)

●Japan Times:Friday, Nov. 18, 2011
Nippon Steel to slow output as floods dilute demand
A decline in Japan's steel output is expected to be worse in the second half of the current business year ending next March than originally projected because of the impact the flooding in Thailand has had on automakers and due to
sluggish overseas steel demand.

●Japan Times:Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011
Supermarket sales off third month
Sales at supermarket in October edged down 0.9 percent from a year earlier on a same-store basis, declining for the third consecutive month due to
sluggish food sales, an industry body said Tuesday.

●BBC:9 December 2011
Rural broadband stalled, says Countryside Alliance
While rollouts in urban areas develop apace, efforts to get equivalent services in more remote areas have been far more

●BBC:5 December 2011
'Slow recovery' for Scots jobs market, economists warn
With employment on track to fall next year, only
sluggish recovery will follow, the Item Club said.

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