
It all happened as the fairies had predicted. When the princess was sixteen years old she saw an old woman spinning and took the spindle from her to try this strange new work. Instantly she pricked her hand and fell into a deep sleep, as did everyone else in the palace. There she lay in a bower of roses, year after year, and the hedge around the palace garden grew so tall and thick that at last you could not have told that there was a castle at all.

At the end of the hundred years a king's son heard of the castle and the enchanted princess who lay asleep there and determined to rescue her. So he cut his way through the thick prickly hedge and at length he came to the princess. When he saw how lovely and how sweet she looked he fell in love with her and, stooping, kissed her lips.

At once she awoke and with her the king and queen and all the courtiers, who had fallen asleep at the same time.

As the princess was as much taken with the prince's appearance as he was with hers, they decided to be married. And so the wedding was celebrated the same day with great pomp and ceremony.


全て妖精たちの予言通りになりました。16歳になったとき、姫は老婆が糸を紡いでいるのを見て、この奇妙な新しいことに挑戦するために、彼女から糸車の針を取りました。その瞬間、彼女は自分の手を刺してしまい、城の人々と共に深い眠りに落ちました。 彼女はバラの影で長年眠り、城の庭の周りの生垣は、ついに城が見えなくなるほど高く深くなりました。






いまどき、pomp とか、あまり使わない気がします^^;





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