It is ~ that ... → It is  ~ for ...  to _

It is strange that he should be late. He's usually on time.

It is strange for him to be late. He's usually on time.


S+V+O+that節 → S+V+O+to不定詞

Jane persuaded him that he (should) see her parents.

Jane persuaded him to see her parents.



①S+V+that節 → S+V+to不定詞

We've decided that we will sell our farm.  (複文)

We've decided to sell our farm. (単文)


concerning or relating to a particular subject
a book about politics

She said something about leaving town.

He lied about his age.

About that car of yours.How much are you selling it for?

What's he on about (=talking about)?

It's about Tommy, doctor. He's been sick again.

Naturally, my mother wanted to know all about it(=all the details relating to it).

used to show why someone is angry, happy, upset etc
I'm really worried about Jack.

She's upset about missing the party.

②((移動・分散を表す動詞と用いて)) …のあちこちに[を],ここかしこに(((主に米))
in many different directions within a particular place, or in different parts of a place
around əráund ((話)) 〈場所の〉あちこちを[へ],方々を[へ],次々に
round ráund …のあちこちに[を],の方々に,の至る所,…をくまなく,…じゅう
We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.

Books were scattered about the room.

③((通例 there is 構文で)) 〈人の〉身辺に,〈事〉には
in the nature or character of a person or thing
There's something really strange about Liza.

What I like about the job is that it's never boring.

④What/how about sb/sth
((意見を尋ねて)) …はどうですか
used to ask a question that directs attention to another person or thing
What about Jack? We can't just leave him here.

I'm feeling hungry. How about you?

((提案・勧誘を表して)) …(して)はどうですか
used to make a suggestion
How about a salad for lunch?

⑤do something about sth
to do something to solve a problem or stop a bad situation
If we don't do something about it, the problem is going to get worse.

What can be done about the rising levels of pollution?

⑥if an organization, a job, an activity etc is about something, that is its basic purpose
Leadership is all about getting your team to cooperate.

⑦while you're about it 
used to tell someone to do someting while they are doing something else because it would be easier to do both things at the same time
Go and see what's the matter, and while you're about it you can fetch me my sweater.

fetch fétʃ …を(行って)取って[持って]くる;〈人に〉〈物を〉(行って)取って[持って]くる

⑧what was all that about?
used to ask the reason for something that has just happened, especially someone's angry behavior

⑨surrounding a person or thing
Jo sensed fear and jealousy all about her.

①〈人が〉(…することが)できる,(十分な)能力[才能,資力,資格など]を持った((to do))
be able to do sth
to have the skill, strength, knowledge etc needed to do something
I've always wanted to be able to speak Japanese.

to be in a situation in which it is possible for you to do something
I'd like to do more gardening, but I never seem able to find the time.
I haven't been able to read that report yet.

②〈人が〉(ある分野に)優れた能力[才能]を持った((in ...));有能な,腕のよい,腕利きの;〔教育〕 〈児童が〉できる(◆比較形は more,most)
clever or good at doing something
one of my more able students

(…)できること((to do));能力,力;(…の)技量,手腕,腕前,力量(skill)((in,for ...));((-ties)) (特殊な)才,才能(talents)
①the state of being able to do something
ability to do sth
the ability to walk
The health center serves all patients, regardless of their ability to pay.

regardless rigɑ'ːrdlis (費用・危険を)いとわない,顧みない((of ...)).
regardless of... …にかかわらず,関係なく,…を無視して

I don't have the ability to say 'no'.

②someone's level of skill at doing something athletic/musical etc ability 
The test measures verbal and mathematical ability.
verbal və'ːrbəl 語の,言葉の[に関する];言葉から成る,言葉の形を取った
leadership ability 
It takes hard work and natural ability to make it as a professional athlete.
make it as a something ~として成功する
There are musicians of all abilities in the orchestra.

of great/exceptional etc ability 
He's a writer of remarkable ability.

of high/low/average ability
students of average ability

mixed ability classes(=classes that include students who are at different levels)

③to the best of your ability
as well as you can
He completed the job to the best of his ability.

①(…の)省略形,省略語(句);略語,略字((of,for ...));略記法
a short form of a word or expression
'Dr' is the written abbreviation of 'Doctor'.
written abbreviation 《a ~》書き言葉で用いる略語[省略形]

the act of abbreviating something.
abbreviate əbríːvièit 〈語句を〉短縮[省略]する,短縮して(…と)書く((to,as ...)) 

195..ratify rǽtəfài
approve and sanction
sanction sǽŋkʃən 〈法律などを〉裁可[批准]する

Congress will often not ratify bills proposed by the President.

196.reconcile rékənsàil
〈人を〉(人と)仲直り[和解,和睦わぼく]させる,友好的にさせる,融和させる((with ...))
make friendly again

reconciliation rèkənsìliéiʃən あきらめ,服従;和解,仲直り;調停

After a bloody and bitter war, the two enemies were finally reconciled.

bloody blʌ'di 流血の,血生臭い;〈人が〉流血を好む,血に飢えた,残虐な,残忍な
bitter bítər 激しい,無情の,むごい,断固とした

197.recur rikə'ːr
occur again

recurrence  rikə'ːrəns,-kʌ'r-|-kʌ'r- 再起,再発,再現,再来;繰り返し,反復,循環

recurrent rikə'ːrənt,-kʌ'r-|-kʌ'r- 再発する,再び現れる;頻発する,周期的に起こる,循環する

Doctors hoped her illness would not recur after a long series of treatments.


If the government worked more efficiently, more people would vote.

What would Japan do if the OPEC countries cut our oil supply in half?

America's economic strength wouldn't be declining if productivity wasn't[weren't] dropping so sharply.

If I was[were] rich, life would be a lot easier. (却下条件)

If I was wrong, why didn't you say so? (解放条件)