オクトーバー | Emyliオフィシャルブログ『Emyli-diary』 powered by アメブロ



もう10月、終わりに近いんだね (@Д@;

時間が経つの はやっ!


あたしは今日、朝起きて 本当に幸せだったよ!


真っ青な空、眩しい太陽と さわやかな そよ風・・・

これこそが、「レコーディング日和」なのだ! ≧(´▽`)≦ (TωT)

x x x

i woke up this morning feeling lovely, thanks to the beautiful weather :) it really intrigues me how the weather can affect me profoundly in how i feel about myself, and just about everything else. all the problems i have seem to vanish the moment i see the blue sky and the blazing sun.

and just to let you know, blue sky & bright sun & crisp breeze = recording day for me! :D

let me know how you guys are doing lately.
