スプーン曲げ?! | Emyliオフィシャルブログ『Emyli-diary』 powered by アメブロ



今日は信じさせられるような 出来事がありました!


と突然 言い出し、


ありえなくない?!?!?!?! ( ゚-゚)( ゚ロ゚)(( ロ゚)゚((( ロ)~゚ ゚


このスプーンは全部 食卓で使ってるやつなんだけど、

軽々と曲げたから、開いた口が ふさがらなかったよ ヽ(;´Д`)ノ





私には そういう力がないそうです・・・(-_-;)

ちなみに 母さんが妹に、

もうスプーン使えなくなるから 曲げないで。 と言っていました。

x x x

i never really believed in those powers of bending spoons, but an incident that occured today literally compelled me to believe in them.

my sister, out of the blue, excitedly says she can "bend spoons" and i'm like yeah yeah ok PROVE IT, and so she brings a silver spoon that we usually use for eating, starts rubbing the spoon, and in a matter of seconds, SWOOOSH... the spoon bended! like FOR REAL!!!! i know it sounds strange and weird and unbelievable and sketchy but i saw it happen with my very own eyes (i had my contacts on!)!

since my sister was able to do it, i thought, i should be able to do it as well! and so i tried it, exerted all my strength and power and more strength into the spoon, and voila!

nothing happened. x(

i guess i dont have those kind of powers x/