One of the fun aspects in SL is fashion. In Japan, there are lots of fashion blogs for women but very little for men. However, looking outside of Japan, there is a fashion site I check everyday.

The site is famous worldwide and within SL, and could perhaps be called the bible to men's fashion. Famous Japanese creators are also introduced.

Today, Ben Vaguard of the world famous blog "SLMEN" is with us.
Special thanks to Rheya Vella and Sthenno Kurosawa of Accuras Language Academy
and Edo Tone from Style of Edo.
emo8889 Xeno: How did you get started in SL?

Ben Vanguard: Early October 2006. I was sent by my company, a big advertising company, to take a look at SL, it's creative potential and business oportunities for our clients.
So it was, in the beginning, for professional purposes.
But I stayed because I was amazed by the possibilities and the people I could meet.

[Freedom. Creative freedom. ]
emo8889 Xeno: What were your first impressions of SL?

Ben Vanguard: Freedom. Creative freedom.
I felt like this meta universe was a place where everybody could realize their potential.
I have been amazed by the possibility of communication with people all around the world.
This was what first fascinated me.

emo8889 Xeno: What kind of things specifically have you encountered?

Ben Vanguard: SL art, using scripts and changing textures; that was the most exciting to me.
I've been impressed by some SIM buildings as well, like Svarga, Paris 1900, Midnight City or Apollo, to name a few.
Buildings and art were the first things I encountered.

emo8889 Xeno: I see. So what were the things you did during your early days in SL?

Ben Vanguard: Building my avatar, learning the basics of SL and exploring the grid.

The first month, I was building my avatar and learning how to move properly, using the camera, etc. Then I spent all my SL time to explore and meet people. But very quickly, I felt like I had to find something to do in SL, not just be passive.

emo8889 Xeno: So that led you to today and SLMEN.

Ben Vanguard: I had been very interested in content creation in SL, especially in fashion creation, so I started SLMEN in early January of 2007.
I can say that all my SL time is now dedicated to it!
I had to learn how to take pictures in SL and how to use lighting.
I have also learned the basics of clothes design, not to make some [clothes] myself but for a better understanding of how it works.

emo8889 Xeno: Could you please tell me your concept and ideas that you have covered in SLMen?

Ben Vanguard: From an early point in my Second Life, I had been interested in fashion, clothes, skins, accessories, etc.
A lot of people were asking me where I got this piece of clothing or that hair! All the time!
I was dropping landmarks on people all the time.

emo8889 Xeno: You were very fashionable to start with.

Ben Vanguard: So, my first idea was to put the name and location to buy the all the things I wore on a blog. I never did really that because it's a lot of work. Instead, I decided to introduce items I selected for [the blog].

emo8889 Xeno: I see.

Ben Vanguard: The second idea was to help people find great pieces of clothing, hair, etc and to match [those items]. I wanted to give people a style guide.
I think men need that, they are not always good looking in SL, although everyone [in SL] can look gorgeous and stylish, it's not a matter of money or genes.

emo8889 Xeno: Yes, the freedom in SL allows for that.

Ben Vanguard: I realized that there was a need, not only for new item reviews, which other blogs offered already, but for a real guide for men, showing older products, mixed with new ones, and, the most important, give the name and addresses [of the stores] for all the items.

[so why keep a conservative look?]
emo8889 Xeno: We want to hear your motto for SLMEN.

Ben Vanguard: I have no motto!
I just want to show the best products in a different way than even their creator themselves do, to give ideas, and to help men to leave the basic jeans with skulls and tee-shirts.

emo8889 Xeno: Please tell me what you consider in selecting the items for your blog.

Ben Vanguard: I pick original products and very well done products.
I try to show them in a specific way, inspired by RL fashion magazines.
I prefer to show pictures than commenting. "A picture is worth a 1000 words", that could be my motto for SLMEN.

emo8889 Xeno: The layout of SLMEN is easy on the eyes; the pictures are definitely a part of that.

Ben Vanguard: The style I try to introduce in SLMEN is inspired by my RL style, and the one of people I work and live with. It has a French flair and could be called metrosexual.
I think SL is a place where we can dare anything.
We can be furries, we can be hybrids, male or female, so why keep a conservative look?

emo8889 Xeno: Again, the recurring idea of freedom.

Ben Vanguard: I hope to help promote very good designers with SLMEN.
Some of them do a really great job, both technically difficult and creatively rich.
But they are not always the most known, and I try to make them more famous.

emo8889 Xeno: Could you share with us your most memorable episodes while interviewing for your blog?

Ben Vanguard: I have 2 examples, which show what I prefer in my interactions with designers for SLMEN.
With some designers, we have very rich exchanges about their creation.
Edo is an example. He sent me a suit, and I told him why I couldn't show it in SLMEN.
And he worked and worked and sent me new versions and we talked about them until one day I could tell him "this one is good, I can show it".
We both felt relieved!

[Ben gave advice to edo in creating jackets for men.Men in SL are typically well built. Therefore using a skirt layer for a jacket does not exactly fit a man's shape.This is his theory.]

This kind of experience is not rare, and I must say this is the most interesting part of my work for SLMEN.

emo8889 Xeno: And your second episode?

Ben Vanguard: Another episode was with Henkei Tattoos as I was talking with their creator,
Zabitan Assia.
I was telling him I would wear one of his models of henkei tattoos.
And he answered me, "Oh, they are for females." I answered, "Maybe you designed them for females but I think they will suit me very well!" and I added, "You know, I'm French, and we are not so formal about what is masculine and what isn't" and we laughed a lot.
There is an important point behind this short story.
I try to show items in other ways than what the creator imagined.

emo8889 Xeno: You have introduced several Japanese creators, such as Edo here, Donmai and BettiePage. What do you think are the characteristics of Japanese SL fashion?

Ben Vanguard: Japanese creators dare more! They are more free in their creations, in my opinion, and they keep the game in mind. It's really refreshing. And they know, like no others, how to put the anime graphic culture in SL!

emo8889 Xeno: After all of your experiences

Ben Vanguard: I'm still fascinating by this concept of virtual life as an extension of the "first life". My Second Life is more and more like my first life! Time flies! I'm as busy here as my real life, I work as hard here as my real life! I have less time to explore. But I keep thinking we all are living in SL a preview of what the near future will be for everyone [in real life]. What is great is that everyone can express his or her creativity and potential in SL. That is the same thought as I had in the beginning.

[There is a vast world of creativity to discover]
emo8889 Xeno: Lastly, could you kindly give us a message to our readers?

Ben Vanguard: Well, if you don't know SL, please, come join us! And if you are already in SL,
dare to be what you want, realize your dreams! There is a vast world of creativity to discover, even you have been here for a long time.

emo8889 Xeno: And one more thing, please give us your advice for gentlemen in SL to look as good as you!

Ben Vanguard: Hahahah! First, read SLMEN everyday! Dare to wear things you wouldn't dare to wear in real life! Everyone can look good in SL, why would you deprive yourself of that? And two tips. Gentlemen, don't forget to wear socks, being bare foot with pants is ugly in SL, you even have "bare foot socks" designed by Robin Sojourner if you decide to be bare foot with pants!

Ben Vanguard: The second is: Avoid the bling! There are some discreet bling items, but most of them are gross. Please avoid them if you don't want to look like a Christmas Tree!

Ben Vanguard: See what I mean!?

emo8889 Xeno: Thank you very much!
Ben has a policy of only introducing clothes that are modifiable. I believe this policy come from his desire to introduce items in their best manner possible. His strive for perfection is also apparent throughout the blog he operates and in the quality of the items he continually introduces.

Ben understands this world filled with creativity and is trying to enjoy SL. Whether you are male of female, you will enjoy reading SLMEN. It is the front runner of SL fashion and there is a world of ideas and innovation to discover!