Gosh, I should write in here more often because I've got too much to say this time.. But I just can't find the time to sit down and write about my life. I'll try harder!

Last Saturday me and Chris went over to Vancouver to go to PlayLand!
it was so fun~~ the first day it was open, so it was only $10 instead of $30 each.It was raining a little here and there, but it wasn't so bad. It was just enough to keep alot of people out of the park that hate rain. There was NO lineups for therides, which was reallllly nice. We got to do everything we wanted in the first hour, and just keep going around until we were finished.

There was a haunted house inside, but it was an extra $5 to go in. I thought it was going to be really crappy like the one at the Saanichton Fair, but it was actually SO GOOD. I was surprised that there was going to be actors inside.
My favourite part was when we were walking through a maze of dead bodies hanging from the ceiling, with no light except strobe light. OH! Also when an actor startedcrawling from a corner, out of the dark. Just how they were moving was just like something from a scary movie, hahah.

The arcade at the PNE was pretty cool too. Chris beat the top score for the game where you have to strike the target with a mallet, and it measures your strength.

Later we went for Korean food^^ yum yummm
then we went home, and didn't miss the last ferry, aha~!