Vegetable Chop For Birds | elspheccaireのブログ



We’re putting out bird chopping skills to the test メロンパン

Here we have chopped cauliflower, broccoli and carrots にんじん

We baked them for quite a while (but not long enough, but enough to store for a week), let them cool, then stored them in the freezer くもり

This morning, we took a bit out and cooked it for about seven minutes (give or take) 鉛筆

After the six to seven minutes, we let it cool (we don’t want to scold the birds mouth and crop). Which didn’t take that long 時計

Once cooled, we put the seasonings we bought from ChristineChopShop and filled each bowl with the delicious meal サラダ

So far, it seems to be a hit.. スター